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Once they got Alexia and Kyra off the couch, they all walked to the bedroom. Jace told everyone to sit down because he had something important to say. Juan and Kyra looked a bit confused, while Lace and Alexia knew what was coming. "Before we start, I should tell Juan and Kyra—I'm the killer," Jace said. Juan looked like he was about to cry, while Kyra seemed fascinated.

"Now, I want to kill Damien. Me and him have been messing around secretly, and after what I did with Eric, I can't even look at him," Jace continued. Everyone except Lace and Alexia, who already knew, yelled, "ERIC?" Realizing Juan and Kyra were unaware, Jace explained further and then laughed it off. They decided to go to sleep because they had a big day ahead.

The next morning, everyone woke up, but Jace was nowhere to be found. They headed to the kitchen where the boys were making breakfast. Jace walked in with coffee for everyone. "Good morning, everyone! I got you guys coffee!" he announced. Everyone thanked him and took their coffee.

"Where is that one tall dude?" Eric asked, looking around. Lace and Alexia exchanged smirks. "Hmm, that's weird. Maybe he finally went back to his dorm," Jace said nonchalantly. They continued with breakfast, not worrying about it anymore.

A couple of hours later, they were doing their own things when they heard an announcement over the intercom. "Good afternoon, students. I hope you are all having a great day, but we need to address something serious. This morning, one of our top football players was found dead in the back of the courtyard. We don't want you all to be scared, but until we can ensure everyone's safety and understand what happened, we advise you to stay in your dorms and keep the doors locked. Thank you, and stay safe."

Everyone in the dorm room realized that Damien had been killed. "Bro, this school is weird as hell, I swear," Eric said, shaking his head and returning to his game. Lace went to her bedroom, shut the door, and pulled out her diary to write.

~ Lace's Diary ~

The past two weeks have been so eventful. I never thought I would be friends with a murderer, but now I am. It's crazy to even write that. But I'm happy I met all of them; they brighten my day despite all the drama. Jace is very, very crazy, but he has my back, and I've never had a friend like that. Juan is something else, but he's funny and a good time. Kyra is a bad bitch, and she knows it; she's definitely the life of the party.

Kyle, my longest friend here—I can't believe him and Juan, but you know, do you, gang. We've been through crazy shit, but sometimes I miss when me, him, and Eli used to hang out every night, even though I hated Eli at the time. But I appreciate you, gang. Alexia, I met you recently, and we just clicked. You are so special to me, and I hope everything goes well for you. Eric, also someone I met recently, is really chill, and I think we're going to have a good bond.

Liam, something about you makes me want to sit down and think. It's crazy how much you've shown me in such a short time. I know me and him won't ever be more than friends, but I hope he finds the person he needs. I think I named all of them, but if you ever see this, know I love you guys. I don't know what the future holds for any of us, but I do know I will always have your backs until my time is up.

For now, we just go with the flow and see where this crazy adventure takes us. If this all blows over soon, I'm going to need a lot of work on myself and my grades because this has been fun, but it's messed me up in the head. Anywho, I'll see you next time I decide to write.

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