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It's a rainy, foggy day at Crepuscule University. Everyone is back at Lace's dorm room and hasn't left since the announcement of Damien's death. Lace and Alexia are in the kitchen cooking for everyone, while Liam and Eric are playing their usual video game. Jace is taking a shower, Kyra is sleeping, and Juan and Kyle are cuddling while watching a movie.

Eric gets up to find another controller in Eli's room. When he walks in, he sees Jace's stuff everywhere since Jace has been staying in Eli's room. Eric opens a drawer where he found the last controller but instead finds a dark black book with a dragon carving on it. Curious, he picks it up and opens it. To his surprise, it's Jace's diary. Despite knowing he shouldn't read it, Eric's curiosity gets the better of him. As he starts reading the marked page, Liam walks in.

"Yo, what are you doing? Did you find the other controller?" Liam asks.

Eric looks up. "I found Jace's diary. I probably shouldn't read it, but I want to know more about him."

Liam, equally curious, tells Eric to read it. Eric starts reading the last page Jace wrote:

**Jace's Diary:**
I know I had to do it. I felt so guilty messing with Eric, knowing we had something on the low. He needed to die. I'm sorry, Damien. I really cared for you, but I had to kill you.

Eric drops the book, shocked. Liam looks at him, furious.

"He killed Damien?!"

Liam starts raising his voice, but Eric grabs him, urging him to lower his voice. "I had no idea Jace was the killer. Why are you getting mad at me?"

Liam, frustrated, responds, "You shouldn't mess with people you don't know anything about. Jace could have done that to you. What's wrong with you, messing with someone you barely know? I thought we'd been through this before. I'm tired of always being the one to help you out. It's exhausting."

Eric, hurt, replies, "So that's how you feel about me? I'm just a burden to you? I never asked you to help me. That was your choice."

"Because you're my best friend, and that's what we do. But you never listen. It's like talking to a wall," Liam retorts.

Enraged, Eric throws a punch at Liam, causing him to fall into Eli's desk with a loud bang. Lace rushes into the room, followed by Jace and Alexia.

"What the hell is going on?" Lace demands, seeing the mess.

Liam gets up and points at Jace. "Did you know he's the killer? Did you know what he did to Damien, Eli, Eric, and everyone else he might have harmed?!"

Liam throws Jace's diary at Lace, but Jace intercepts it. "You ever try to harm her again, you'll be the next to die," Jace warns Liam.

Fed up, Liam pushes Lace aside and storms out. Alexia turns to Eric, "Where did you find this diary? Were you snooping through people's things?"

"No, I was looking for a gaming controller. Lace told me it was in that drawer, and that's where I found it," Eric explains softly.

Alexia glares at Jace. "Why would you leave your diary where people could find it? This is serious, not a joke!"

Surprised by Alexia's anger, Jace walks to the bathroom and slams the door. Alexia asks Lace for some space to explain things to Eric. Lace agrees, kisses Alexia on the forehead, and leaves. She sees Kyra heading to the bathroom to check on Jace, having heard everything.

As Lace steps outside for fresh air, she sees Liam sitting against the wall. She sits beside him.

"You know I didn't mean any of that. I was just mad. But tell me the truth—did you know?" he asks sincerely.

"Yes, I did," Lace admits quietly.

Liam looks more disappointed than angry. "I thought I could trust you, but it seems I can't. Knowing he did that to my best friend and you didn't tell me..."

He walks away, leaving Lace crying. Her phone pings with a text from an unknown number:

*I know what Jace did. I know everything he is. Better get on the run; the cops are coming for all of you.*

Panicked, Lace runs back to the dorm. "The cops are coming! We need to leave now!" she shouts.

Everyone is frozen in shock. Lace takes a deep breath. "I know y'all are scared, but we need to go right now. Get your stuff and move!"

They all scramble to gather their things and rush to Lace's car. She drives for two hours, arriving at an abandoned house.

"Lace, what is this place?" Jace asks.

"I used to hang out here as a kid. It's safe," Lace replies softly, still upset.

As they enter the house, they notice something glowing. Jace approaches it first.

"Is this a portal? This is sick," he exclaims.

Lace walks toward Jace but trips, knocking herself, Jace, and Juan into the portal.

( Last chapter, stay tuned for book two!! )

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