~ Jaces point of view ~

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Listen, I know I've done terrible things. Killing should never bring joy, but Eli deserved it. He was exploiting Lace, my closest friend. I had to make him pay—slit his throat and took his eyes. It was my last resort. Eric, though, he crossed a line. He got wasted and messed with Juan, my best friend back then. Eric made us keep our relationship hidden, and it tore us apart.

I left town for college, trying to escape. When I returned, money problems forced me to room with Juan again. Being near him healed some of my wounds, but the pain pushed me to darker places. I've killed to cope, and I hate myself for it. I miss what Eric and I had, but I had to end him to move on.

Then there's Alexia. She kissed Eric out of spite. Her kisses could destroy a person. I love her, she's my rock. I could never harm Juan, Lace, or Kyra—they're my family. Should I confess who I am? No, they can't know. They wouldn't understand.

Eric needs to die, but I can't seem to finish the job. I've taken hearts before, but something's holding me back. I want him to suffer like he made me suffer, but maybe I don't need to kill him. No, I do.

My parents were killers too, passed it down to me. High school was hell. I killed three who mocked me, and two went missing—no loss to me. Those who cross me end up with a knife to their throat.

I may dress sweet, but I've got 28 kills under my belt. One day, they'll regret hurting me.

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