Drunk in love

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In the midst of a tense lockdown following a campus killing, a group of students quietly devise a plan to escape the confines of their dormitory. Under the cover of darkness, they use a little-known service tunnel that runs beneath the campus, avoiding the main routes patrolled by security. Moving swiftly and silently, they communicate through hand signals and whispers, ensuring they aren't detected. Their hearts race with the fear of being caught, but the need to feel safe and free propels them forward into the night.

When they get off campus, they all follow Jace to his car. As they are getting in, Kyra asks, "So, what's the game plan for today, Jace?" Jace smirks at all of them and says, "It's a surprise." They exchange looks of confusion but excitement about what's going to happen next.

Jace starts to drive to a campsite in the middle of nowhere. When they finally arrive, Jace, Damien, and Lace go inside to check in while the others wait in the car. At the front desk are two boys. One has shoulder-length dreads, wears all purple, stands at least 6'0", and has a lot of piercings. The other is as tall as the first, with dirty blonde curly hair and a very smiley demeanor.

"Hey, you, we'd like to book a cabin for a couple of days," Jace tells the boy in all purple. The boy gives Jace a weird look and says, "My name is Eric, not 'you,' but it's your lucky day. We have one more cabin available." He hands Jace the keys while Damien and Lace start looking around the office. "Tell your friends to stop touching everything; we just cleaned," the other boy says, giving Jace a nasty look. Jace looks over at them and laughs, "Are we children now? Stop touching things and let's go." Lace drops the magazine she was holding while Jace and Damien start to walk back to the car. She notices that one boy is giving her a weird look as she leaves.

When they get back to the car, they go find the cabin they were assigned. Jace unlocks the door, and they all walk inside. It's bigger than any cabin they've ever been in, with five bedrooms and four bathrooms. "Jace, where did you find this place? This is sweet," Kyra says while sitting on the couch and putting her feet up on the table. "My old friend's dad owns this place, so I come here often. She's actually on her way to hang out with us right now," Jace replies.

They hear a knock at the door, and Jace gets excited. "She's here!" Jace squeals. When he opens the door, a girl with long dark hair, glasses, and pretty freckles walks in. Jace gives her a big hug, and she laughs—a sweet, elegant sound. Jace starts to introduce everyone to her, "This is Alexia, the girl I was telling you about." Lace and Alexia exchange smiles and a wave.

Later in the day, Jace suggests they throw a party. He invites the two boys from the front desk, Alexia, and all the other people staying with them. When the boys arrive, the party begins with alcohol, drugs, and music. The girls, plus Jace and Juan, get ready in cute outfits. They start drinking and dancing, and it turns into a really good night.

Eric and Alexia disappear at one point, and Lace starts wondering where they went. She walks outside, and the other boy from the front desk follows her. "Where are you going in the middle of the night?" he asks. She turns around and realizes he was following her. "Why do you care where I'm going? And isn't it a bit creepy to be following a random girl outside?" she says with attitude. "Alright, you're right. I'm sorry. My name is Liam. What's yours?" She rolls her eyes, "Lace," as she walks away.

Jace sees what happens and catches up with Lace. "So, you and the new guy, huh?" he says with a smirk. She laughs, "Yeah, no. You're funny." They walk further into the woods and see people up ahead. As they get closer, they can't believe what they are seeing: Eric and Alexia making out. "Well, this was unexpected," Jace says loudly enough for them to hear. Startled, Eric and Alexia pull away. "We'll leave you guys be," Lace says, pulling Jace back towards the cabin. They walk away, laughing.

When they get back to the cabin, everyone is dancing and having a good time. Ellie and Damien walk up to them. "Where did you two go?" Damien asks sternly. "We just went for a walk. No need for the attitude," Lace says, looking at them with a disgusted face. Jace rolls his eyes and pulls Lace to get more drinks.

They start getting wasted, and that's when Eric and Alexia return. Jace gets an idea and starts smirking at Kyra. "What are you thinking?" Kyra asks. "We should play spin the bottle, make things a little juicy," Jace suggests. Everyone agrees, thinking it would be fun. "I'll start! Obviously, I'm the one who came up with this," Jace says as he spins the bottle. It lands on Damien, who smirks and moves closer to Jace. Jace gives him a nasty look until Damien kisses him. They make out for almost five minutes, with Kyra cheering them on and everyone else waiting for them to be done.

After they are done, Jace hands Lace the bottle. "Come on, girly, your turn," he says with a smirk. Lace spins the bottle, and it lands on Liam. Jace laughs, "Lace, go ahead, do it." She moves closer to Liam, and they kiss. Ellie gets up from the game and leaves for his room. Lace follows him, with everyone watching. "Oooo, he didn't like that," Jace says while Kyra laughs.

Lace walks into Ellie's room, closes the door, and locks it. She sits on the bed next to him. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" she asks, worried. He doesn't respond or look at her. Frustrated, she pulls his face towards hers and kisses him. He pulls away, surprised. They look at each other for a moment before Lace gets up to leave. He pulls her onto the bed and kisses her. She gets on top of him, and he starts unzipping her dress. He throws her onto the bed and takes off his shirt. He gets on top of her and kisses her neck, sliding his hands down her body. He grips her waist and turns her around. She feels shy as he whispers in her ear, "It's okay, I'll go slow." She nods and smiles, leaning in for a kiss. They make love, their hearts racing with passion. "Tell me when to stop if you don't want me to keep going," he whispers. She giggles, "No, I don't want you to stop. I want you and all of you." "Alright then, princess, this is going to hurt," Eli says. As they kiss, they are both intoxicated with love, taking them to another dimension. Afterward, they lie together, exhausted. "I love you, Eli. I'm just glad you can hold me now more than ever," Lace says. Eli chuckles, "Oh, really? Maybe we can do it again. I love you too. When all this ends, we should go out sometime." They get dressed and join everyone else in the living room. Jace and Kyra giggle, seeing them come out of the room with messy hair.

Lace sits next to Liam while the others find more drinks in the car. Liam laughs, and Lace, annoyed, asks, "What are you laughing about?" He moves the hair out of her eyes. "You look pretty rough, if you know what I mean," he says. She gives him an annoyed look. As they start to talk, a horrid screech comes from the woods.

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