Sex or murder .. ?

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When we all got back to the house, everyone started to sit down and watch TV. Jace looked at Lace and took her hand, leading her to one of the bedrooms in her dorm. "I have to tell you something, and I hope you don't freak out, but I need you to sit down," he said. Lace was hesitant but sat down, trusting him for the most part. He looked at her with a sad face, scared she might not want to be close with him anymore. "I can tell you are catching on, but I love you and I need to tell you the truth," he said. Lace looked confused but then started to realize what he was about to tell her. "I am the reason all these bad things have been happening recently, and before you say anything, let me explain everything from my point of view," Jace continued.

He started to explain everything, detailing how things came to be the way they were. Lace looked at him, shocked but not afraid. She understood him a bit. "Thank you for telling me everything and trusting me with this information, but I need a night to think this all through. I won't say anything to everyone, and this isn't going to change anything; I just need time to think about it all," she said. She took a deep breath, kissed him on the forehead, and walked out of the room. He was relieved with her answer and followed her out to join everyone else.

Once they were all together in the living room again, Lace suggested that they all go to sleep as they had things to discuss the next day. As she began to walk to her room, someone grabbed her hand. She looked back to see Liam. "Do you mind if I stay with you tonight? I trust you out of all these randoms, besides Eric, but he is going with Jace," he said. She smiled, "Of course you can." They walked to her bedroom, shut the door, and locked it. Liam started to lie on the floor next to her bed. "You can sleep in the bed with me, I don't mind," she said. He smiled and agreed.

They both got into bed, looking at each other. "You know, you have very pretty dark eyes, but they glow in the sunshine," he said, moving her hair out of her face. They gazed into each other's eyes for a moment before he leaned in to kiss her softly. She was surprised but kissed him back, and they started kissing passionately. He pulled her on top of him, still kissing, and began to undress her inch by inch. He moved her onto the bed, kissing her neck and down her body. She moaned slightly, and he whispered, "Are you okay, princess?" She nodded, her head tilting back, veins visible on her neck. "I'll go slow at first, just let me know if you want me to stop," he said. She nodded, her mouth slightly open. He started to move faster, kissing her passionately to keep her from being too loud. They continued for a little while longer.

After they finished, they lay next to each other, their warm bodies touching. He whispered in her ear, "I have done this with other people before, but with you, it felt different, like I have a real connection with you." She smiled and replied, "I agree with you. You make me feel like I mean something to someone." He looked down at her and kissed her softly. After a while, he fell asleep while she was still thinking about what had just happened. She heard someone in the kitchen, got up quietly, kissed his forehead, and left the room.

Back to Jace and Eric, Jace realized Eric shouldn't sleep on the couch with his condition, so he asked him to come sleep with him. Eric agreed, knowing he didn't want to sleep on the couch. They walked to the room where they would be sleeping. Jace noticed Eric was still in pain and got some painkillers and water for him. Eric thanked him, smiling, knowing there was something special between them. Jace sat down next to him, and Eric looked at him with calming eyes, feeling safe with Jace. "I will sleep on the floor so you can have the bed," Jace said. He got up to go to the floor, but Eric grabbed his hand to pull him closer. "No, stay with me. I don't remember much, but I feel safe with you, and that means the most to me right now," Eric whispered. Jace looked at him, surprised and blushing, trying to hide his smile. Eric noticed and kissed him out of nowhere. Jace took a step back, surprised, but then kissed him back passionately for several minutes.

Eric got up, turned him around, unzipped his pants, and pulled down his shorts. "This might hurt a bit; tell me if you need me to stop," Eric said as he began. Jace moaned, trying to keep his voice down. They continued for at least 30 more minutes. After they finished, Jace told Eric he needed to use the bathroom and walked out of the room to the kitchen to get some water. He couldn't believe what had just happened, knowing that just a couple of days ago, he had tried to kill him. Before Jace could put his cup into the sink, he was startled by Lace walking out of her room into the kitchen. He saw her messy curly brown hair, lipstick a bit smudged on the side of her face, and wearing a large T-shirt, obviously a man's. "Did you have fun?" Jace asked, smirking. She nudged him, smiling a lot. They started talking about what had just happened to both of them when they heard a noise coming from the bathroom. They both looked at each other suspiciously and walked to the bathroom. Jace knocked on the door and waited for whoever was inside to come out.  Back with Juan and Kyle:

"I guess we can go into the spare bedroom, Kyle?" Juan suggested.

Juan's mind raced: I can't believe I'm going to be in the same room as a 6'2" Asian/Latino with gorgeous deep brunette curly hair, tattoos on his arms, neck, and chest, and glasses. Juan felt butterflies just thinking about it.

They walked into the room and lay in the bed together. Juan's body heated up with excitement, and he tensed up. They kept their distance in the bed, not wanting to make things awkward, but it happened anyway. Juan fell asleep but woke up not too long later to movements in the bed. He looked over to see Kyle playing around with something under the covers.

Juan tried to feel what it could be, completely oblivious to the fact that Kyle was jerking off right beside him. Juan touched Kyle's dick, which in return turned Kyle on. Kyle pulled the covers off before Juan could say a word and grabbed Juan's head, thrusting it down onto his lap. Juan choked with each thrust. Suddenly, Kyle picked Juan up and took him to the bedroom bathroom.

"Get ready for this, Juan," Kyle said, placing him on the sink in front of a mirror. He shoved his dick deep down Juan's throat and put two of his fingers in Juan's mouth. This went on for 30 minutes until they heard a knock on the door. They quickly got their clothes on and opened the door to see Jace and Lace standing there. They had obviously gone through a similar experience; their appearance showed it.

"Lace? Jace? You two look like pure shit," Juan said.

Jace gave him a weird look. "Well, you do too."

Juan asked, "What happened to you?"

Jace hesitated. "Oh, um, I fell off the bed. What happened to you?"

Lace gave Jace a side eye. "I'll be honest here. I just got some great 8-inch dick. I didn't know white dudes were so big."

Jace looked scared. "Maybe I will k— I mean, hahaha," he said quickly, covering up the fact he was going to make a joke about killing Lace, with Juan not being filled in yet.

Lace spoke up. "I think all the boys should sleep together, and Jace, you, and I should sleep together in a room. It's for the best; we made decisions we regret."

Juan said, "Damn, I was having fun tho— I mean, yup, okay, cool."

Jace said, "Okay, Juan... I know what you did. Also, can we get Alexia off the couch? Poor girl can be in this room with us."

Lace agreed, and they went to wake her up to come into the room with them.

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