Chapter 13 Team rockets attack

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Jesse, delcatty and James has no idea what they should do, they didn't want to kill anyone but they do have loyalty to team rocket for now they and they're pokemon are stunned, unable to help or stop anything that was about to happen.

Quickly individuals battles had occured, a starly, weakened frosmoth and ledyba had fought against alolan raichu, at the same time weavile was fighting a tired and exhausted hawlucha, kabutops who was at the same condition and finally lily's binacle who was full hp and wasn't tired at all. For the hardest battle lapras, psyduck and politoad were fighting the dragonite, the dragonite whenever they got lose to taking out them individually they'd team up. The water trio had a bond innately thay allowed them to have effective combo moves without much thought, each pokemon did have a high value of loyalty and each had lore linked to having good companionship to one's own kin. With all the mess that was happening however each trainer couldn't make call for their pokemon making them do there own thing. The noice of 3 battles happening at the same time with almost 10 pokemon in the same building fighting each other made it impossible for each pokemon to focus on there trainers voice even if the trainer was perpared to put commands out for their pokemon.

The team rocket grunts yelled at jesse and James to at least go into the aquarium and steal the pokemon in the water, jesse and James accepted this task driving the vehicle away into a wall crashing the wall they had rode into. They couldn't stop jesse, James or skitty so were forced to focus on the challenges they were fighting, at the same time the criminals that had invaded the gym approached the sisters knowing it'll just be easier to take there pokeballs and retreat once returning the pokemon. The sisters froze in fear themselves being in physical danger only for the grunts to be stopped by samuari and ash, tackling into the criminals they began to fight the adults.

The raichu that starly, frosmoth and ledyba were fighting had a great opening almost knocking out frosmoth right away with a thunderbolt, lucky for frosmoths ability he managed to survive the attack. Due to using all of his powders snows and fairy winds frosmoth was forced to use bug moves such as bug bite which due to the raichu in question being a psychic type had helped frosmoth do tons of damage. Ledyba had used confuse Ray, memorising the combo samuari had drilled into the pokemon, using Confuse Ray had helped everyone avoid the extremely fast pokemon. Starly was used for defense knowing that his tackles won't do any damage to his opponent he knew he needed to be used to support his team pushing them out of the way from attacks they couldn't dodge. They were slowly chipping away of raichus power, strength and hp but they were weakening to and at a faster rate, raichu would win if they continued fighting, the 3 pokemon only able to stand their group because of the numerical advantage they had.

Weavile fight with hawlucha, binacle and kabutops was going well, weavile underestimating the 3 since 2 of them looked way to exhausted to be fighting. At the start weavile using his speed advantage was aiming for kabutops using moves such as ice shard, quick attack and slash. Although kabutops defenses were high not being in there favoured terrian had caused each attack to hit knocking out the pokemom instant. Weavile had grabbed onto to unconscious pokemon and was about to run away when hawlucha and bincle stopped them. Weavile brushed them off however, but hawlucha did get a perfect opportunity to get exactly one hit on weavile before weavile would have arrived to his trainer with there intended target pokemo.

Thinking back about all that she had learned hawlucha, performed brick break, now adrenaline, a pokemon life at stake her blood began to boil, she had surpassed her limits once again, hitting the weavile right in the shoulder with a brick break was enough to not just drop kabutops preventing the pokemon from being captured but also weavile smashed into the floor as the pokemon was mid jump when the pokemon was about to retreat. While still on the floor and recovering binacle took the chance to throw an ancient power, a glowing energy of prehistoric power built up in the pokemon throwing all of it at once at the weavile. The pokemon didn't stand a chance getting knocked out by the super effective move, although with having hawlucha brick break be 4x effective the weavile was laying unconscious on the floor, the rocket grunts had withdrawned the pokemon back into the pokemon cursing them in the process.

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