Chapter 7 The basics

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Hours had happened from the crushing defeat the 2 trainers had occured, Ash, Shroom and Flint were sneaking up to a fence and looking up they see brock and more than half a dozen kids ranging from as young as 3 to the oldest one being 8. It looked like he was taking care of them and all of them looked similar to brock, they were clearly related. Brock looked after the kids with a big wholesome smile, they left shortly after.

"I didn't know that brock was like that, from what I had seen of him he seemed pretty mean". Ash said in disbelief that someone that had scouled Ash in a battle was so kind, the exact opposite of someone like Gary.

"Brock is a good guy, he encourages rookie trainers like you, I'm sure he even tried helping you mid battle, he takes it easy on trainers with not that much experience".

Shroom replied "if that was going easy, I don't want to see him take a fight seriously... there's no beating that guy".

"Brock from when he took over the gym 3 years ago there has been in 298 pokemon trainers that challeneged brock, out of that many battle he only has lost 2v2 battle 15 times, all of them were strong experienced trainer in there twenties plus, no-one with less than 5 years of training pokemon has ever taken out brock"

Shroom was astonished "so we have no chance of getting the badge then, Ash we should go and come back when our pokemon are stronger".

Ash yelled "no... if I'm gonna be a pokemon master I can't run from this battle, I don't care how many times it takes I'll beat brock and take that rock badge".

Flint smiled "the thing about brock is that he's pretty kind when it comes to giving away badges".

"What do you mean" Ash questioned.

"You don't need to win against brock to get his pokemon badge, out of the almost 300 trainer that did lose, brock still gave 40 of them a badge due to how impressive they were, as long as you show merit, determination and the ability to adapt he might give you the badge depending how impressive you are".

"See samurai, we still have a chance, you can't give up now". Shroom did feel inspired Ash's words had power, no matter how annoying he was Ash did have courage and was by far a better pokemon trainer than he was and flint could tell this. Ash lacked experience but even with that the tight bond he had with his pokemon was unheard of. And that's not even taking in account that ash had caught 3 pokemon being a trainer for less than a week while shroom only caught his ledyba.

"Brock as I said before is kind, depending how he feels he even allows you to use 3 pokemon against his 2, you don't even need to beat 2 pokemon just 1 if he sees potential in you".

Ash and shroom were relieved hearing this, brock may take pity on them in order to get the badge but as long as the 2 show guts they might be able to win.

"Don't let that blind you, no rookie trainer has ever taken out 1 of his pokemon even with access to 3, the only one that was close was a trainer, an arrogant kid".

Ash's mind immediately went to Gary "even Gary couldn't take out brock".

"Yeah, when he lost his first match I offered him training but he refused just a couple of days later he challenged him again but failed, I didn't see him again after that but the boys wimpod was beyond powerful for the age it was".

Ash jumped in excitement clenching his fist he spoke "Okay then I've decided, I'll take you on your offer old man, and once I get that badge I'll shove it in Gary's face I'm sure that'll prove I'm a much stronger pokemon trainer than he'll ever be".

Flint smirked "Exactly and you". Flint questioned shroom he simply looked down before replying.

"Yes, I'll train, train so hard that I'll have no reason to not get stronger, I may not be able to beat brock, but if I don't try I'll never get to know what it means to be a pokemom trainer".

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