Chapter 9 Samurai vs brock

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When the match was over all of the children that way climbing Ash screamed for magcargo, brock returned his pokemon, giving words of complementarity to his pokemon he turned his head to his sibling, telling them to get off of Ash.

They listened as brock began scolding his siblings, head aimed at Ash he bowed his head in a apologises, forcing his sibling to do the same. All at once they shouted that they were sorry as Ash stood there confused, he returned psyduck to her pokeball and asked brock a question.

"So what happens next".

Brock stood completely up marching towards a wall, he pressed deeply into it, just then folding out of the door was a shelf, on there shelf was dozens of dozens stone badges. Extending his hand out brock offered it to Ash, he jumped in excitement grabbing the piece of metal and began spinning with it, before stopping.

"Are you sure, we drew so why would you give me the badge".

Brock answered "Ash, your pokemon and your potential is endless, no rookie trainer has ever beaten one of my pokemon, with great improvising and your ability to think under extreme pressure ive decided to give you the badge".

Ash once again went into his celebration mode, frosmoth was also noticeably happy with the outcome knowing that they were 1 step closer to achieve ash's dream. Only to come to the realization that they will have to fight and beat stronger pokemon in the future, an idea that had slowly been eating away at frosmoth. When ash was praising himself for what he and his pokemon had accomplished samurai had stepped forward.

"Please, brock of pewter city, I also wish to clash pokemon once again, this time I am sure it will be a closer battle than last time"

Brock squared up against samurai, the oldest of brocks younger siblings perked up "but brock, we don't want to see drednaw hurt, we know you love your pokemon so much".

The gym leader responded "that's my job, it's how we can live, everyone deserves a fair and equal chance of making it to the top, its my duty as gym leader to do that, I can't go back on what our father stood for". Brock paused realizing that he was exchanging to much personal detail to random stranger who now stood completely awkward about his display of words. The good thing about brocks speech was it made his sibling quiet down, brock told them they didn't need to stay but they all did.

Brock compassionately hugged all of his family who was there reassuring them that his pokemon will be okay, just then communicated that

"I'm sorry about my family, there not old enough to understand what it takes to be a pokemon trainer, I'm ready how about you", brock questioned as samurai simply nodded.

Samurai was the first move he sent out a pokeball that had contained his crustle, although still embarassed from the last time he was in this location he swears to prove himself. Brock took out his last remaining pokemon drednaw, the water rock type pokemon was ready to go. The urge of battle had leaked from drednaw, crustle heart accelerated only for it to slow down when brock told drednaw to calm down. Intensity coming from drednaw had stopped as the pokemon smiled friendly towards crustle.

"There's nothing to fear, this is just a normal match, like ash's it'll be a 2 on 1 if you choose and the conditions are the same, impress me you get to the badge don't you'll have to leave my gym... a warning I made the max limit of attempt to get the boulder badge at 3, if you fail at this attempt you only have one more".

Samurai cleared his throat "I won't need a 3rd attempt to beat you... isn't that right crusle".

Since drednaw had stopped being intentionally frightening crustle had no fear, even the pokemon was large of size his heart couldn't handle stressful situations which involved pokemon substantially stronger than him. An aspect of his personality that he knew had to be overcome for samurai goals, swallowing any fear of the match he stood pride gleaming off of him.

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