Mini Mama

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Tony DiNozzo x Kate Todd (Past)

Tony DiNozzo x Daughter!OC

(Late) Kate Todd x Daughter!OC

Summary: Heather Antoinette Todd-DiNozzo is the thirteen year old daughter of two retired federal agents who looks and behaves a bit too much like her mother did at her age.

 Tony DiNozzo couldn't help but chuckle to himself as he watched his daughter, Heather, bustling around the NCIS bullpen after school. At sixteen, Heather had grown up surrounded by the echoes of her mother, Caitlin Todd, who had tragically passed away years ago. Everyone at NCIS, especially Kate's former colleagues, saw so much of Kate in Heather—her looks, her mannerisms, even her penchant for saying things just the way Kate used to.

"Hey, Mini Mama," Tony called out with a grin as Heather passed by his desk, her school bag slung over one shoulder.

Heather turned with a smile that mirrored her mother's, her blue eyes twinkling. "Dad, you know I'm not that mini anymore," she teased, her voice carrying the same confident yet playful tone that had once filled the bullpen.

Tony shook his head fondly. Heather had inherited Kate's intelligence and wit in equal measure, along with a stubborn streak that reminded him so much of her mother. "How was school?"

"Good, as always," Heather replied, setting her bag down and pulling out her homework. "I've got a bit of algebra to finish up before dinner."

Tony glanced over at Gibbs where he sat at his desk pretending not to be listening to the father-daughter conversation. Gibbs, always the father figure to his team, had taken a particular interest in Heather's academic pursuits. She often found herself in the breakroom, poring over textbooks or sitting quietly on the floor behind Gibbs' desk while he caught up on paperwork.

As Tony observed Heather engrossed in her math problems, memories of Kate flooded his mind. They had been partners, friends, and had shared a connection that transcended their professional lives. Losing her had been devastating, but raising Heather had given Tony a renewed sense of purpose.

"Hey, Dad," Heather interrupted his thoughts, looking up from her notebook with a curious expression. "Do you think Mom would have been proud of me?"

Tony's heart squeezed at the earnestness in her question. He walked over and ruffled her hair affectionately, a gesture that made her roll her eyes in a way that was all too familiar. "Kate would have been beyond proud, sweetheart. You're not just like her—you're your own person, too. But you've got her fire and determination, that's for sure."

Heather smiled gratefully, the comparison to her mother always a source of both comfort and pressure. She knew the stories about Kate's time at NCIS by heart, often feeling a sense of connection to her mother through the shared experiences and the legacy she had left behind.

Later that evening, as Tony and Heather sat down for dinner, the conversation turned to lighter topics. Tony regaled her with stories from his time with Kate, and Heather soaked them in, hungry for every detail. She had a habit of asking Gibbs and the others about her mother, piecing together a picture of the woman she never got to know but whose presence loomed large in her life.

In her room that night, after finishing her homework and texting her friends, Heather glanced at the framed photo of Kate on her bedside table. "I'm doing okay, Mom," she whispered softly, a tear slipping down her cheek. "I'm trying to be just like you, but also figuring out who I am." She wiped away the tear and smiled, feeling a sense of determination settle in her heart.

Downstairs, Tony lingered in the hallway outside Heather's room, his own thoughts drifting back to Kate and their time together. He knew that while Heather resembled her mother in so many ways, she was forging her own path—one that Kate would have undoubtedly been proud of.


Heather's Aunt Rachel, or Doctor Kate's Sister as Tony still jokingly calls her, arrived at Tony and Heather's house on a crisp Saturday morning. Tony greeted her warmly at the door, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes as he welcomed her inside. Rachel had always been a comforting presence since Kate's passing, and he was grateful for her closeness to Heather.

Inside, the house was filled with a sense of quiet anticipation. Heather, dressed in casual sportswear, was practicing her golf swing in the backyard, her movements fluid and precise. Tony and Rachel watched from the kitchen window as she swung the club with determination, her focus unwavering.

"She's really taken to golf," Rachel remarked, her voice tinged with both admiration and melancholy.

Tony nodded, his gaze fixed on his daughter. "Yeah, it's become her passion. Gibbs has been teaching her."

Rachel turned to Tony, her expression thoughtful. "It's like a funhouse mirror," she said quietly, gesturing towards Heather. "She looks so much like Kate. I mean, she even sounds like her. Isn't that... creepy for you?"

Tony sighed, his shoulders tense as he considered Rachel's words. He had thought about it often, how Heather's resemblance to Kate could be both comforting and unsettling. "It was at first," he admitted, his voice low. "But now... now it's like having a piece of Kate with me every day. Heather's her own person, but she carries so much of Kate's spirit."

Rachel nodded, her gaze softening as she watched Heather swing the club again, her movements mirroring Kate's grace on the golf course. "She's a remarkable girl, Tony. Kate would be so proud of her."

Tony smiled faintly, grateful for Rachel's reassurance. "I hope so," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.

As Heather finished her practice and came inside, Tony hugged her tightly, feeling a surge of love and protectiveness towards his daughter. Rachel joined them, wrapping her arms around both Tony and Heather, a silent gesture of support and familial bond.

Later that evening, as they sat around the dinner table, laughter and stories filled the air. Tony recounted tales of Kate's mischievous antics, and Heather listened intently, eager for every detail. Rachel shared memories of their childhood, painting a picture of Kate's spirited nature that Heather cherished.

In her room that night, Heather looked at the framed photo of Kate on her bedside table. "I miss you, Mom," she whispered softly, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "But I'll make you proud. I promise."

Downstairs, Tony and Rachel lingered in the living room, their conversation drifting between reminiscing about Kate and discussing Heather's future. Rachel squeezed Tony's hand gently, a silent acknowledgment of the bond they shared through their memories of Kate.

In the quiet of the house, with the soft glow of evening settling around them, Tony found solace in Rachel's presence and in the echoes of Kate that surrounded them. Heather's resemblance to her mother was a constant reminder of the love they had lost, but also a testament to the enduring legacy Kate had left behind—a legacy of strength, determination, and unwavering love that would continue to shape their lives forever.

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