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Tony DiNozzo x Ziva David

The NCIS bullpen was buzzing with its usual rhythm: the clack of keyboards, the murmur of conversations, and the occasional beep of incoming messages. Tony DiNozzo and Ziva David worked side by side, their easy camaraderie a familiar sight to their colleagues. But recently, there had been a new, unspoken layer to their interactions—a new dimension to their relationship that went beyond mere friendship.

Tony was reviewing case files with his usual mix of enthusiasm and irreverence, while Ziva, seated at her desk, was focused on the latest intelligence report. They exchanged glances and subtle smiles, their chemistry as evident as ever. But this time, they were bolder. There were touches and lingering looks that made it clear they were more than just friends.

"Hey, Tony, can you grab me the folder from the top shelf?" Ziva asked, her voice laced with a hint of flirtation.

Tony, ever eager to please, immediately obliged. He reached up and retrieved the folder, then made a show of handing it to Ziva with a flourish. "Anything for you, my dear."

As he walked back to his desk, he couldn't help but glance over his shoulder, catching Ziva's amused smile. The office atmosphere seemed charged with their unspoken affection.


The shift in their dynamic hadn't gone unnoticed. Gossip among the team members was inevitable. McGee, who had a knack for picking up on the subtlest changes, was the first to broach the subject with Abby Sciuto, the ever-curious forensic scientist.

"Have you noticed anything different about Tony and Ziva?" McGee asked, raising an eyebrow.

Abby looked up from her computer, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Oh, definitely! They've been... different lately. More... together. It's like they're in their own little world."

McGee nodded, a grin spreading across his face. "You think they're... you know?"

Abby's eyes sparkled with intrigue. "I think it's pretty obvious. But I also think they're doing a great job of keeping it low-key. Or, at least, they were until now."


Gibbs, the team's gruff yet deeply respected leader, was known for his strict rules—one of which was to avoid dating within the team. But there was a complication in this case. Ziva, as a former Mossad officer, had technically been outside the official NCIS structure when her relationship with Tony began.

One afternoon, Gibbs walked into the bullpen to find Tony and Ziva laughing over a shared joke. Their closeness was unmistakable, and the playful banter was hard to miss.

"DiNozzo, David, Conference room. Now," Gibbs said, his tone brooking no argument.

Tony and Ziva exchanged a glance before rising and following Gibbs into his office. The door closed behind them, and the three of them were left in the tense silence that always accompanied Gibbs's private discussions.

Gibbs leaned against his desk, his gaze fixed on Tony and Ziva. "So, it seems you two have decided to make things a bit more... public."

Tony shifted uncomfortably but met Gibbs's gaze with a mix of defiance and concern. "Yeah, Boss, we figured it was time to be honest about it."

Ziva, standing beside Tony, added, "We are aware of the rules. However, since I was still with Mossad when we started seeing one another, we believed that we weren't breaking any specific NCIS policies...... or yours for that matter"

Gibbs's expression remained inscrutable. He took a moment before responding, his tone surprisingly measured. "You're right. Technically, you're not breaking any of my rules. Ziva wasn't officially part of NCIS when this started."

Tony let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Boss. We didn't want to go behind your back. We just wanted to be open about it."

Gibbs nodded, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "Just make sure your personal life doesn't affect your work. I don't want to see any favoritism or distractions. You're here to solve cases, not to make each other's lives more complicated."

Ziva nodded. "Understood."


As Tony and Ziva emerged from Gibbs's office, the tension that had been building in the bullpen seemed to dissipate. The team was watching them with a mix of curiosity and support. McGee and Abby exchanged looks of relief, and McGee gave Tony a thumbs-up.

Abby bounced over to them with her usual enthusiasm. "So, you guys are officially out in the open now?"

Tony grinned, the anxiety from earlier melting away. "Looks like it. We didn't want to hide it anymore."

Abby gave Ziva a hug, her excitement palpable. "I'm so happy for you both! You deserve to be happy."

McGee joined in, clapping Tony on the back. "As long as you keep doing your jobs and don't let it mess with our cases, I'm good with it."

Ziva smiled warmly at her colleagues. "Thank you. We appreciate your support."


As weeks passed, the initial shock of their revelation faded into the daily rhythm of the NCIS team's life. Tony and Ziva continued their work with the same dedication, and their relationship, while still a topic of occasional jokes and teasing, became a natural part of their team dynamic.

Gibbs, though still a stern leader, seemed to accept their relationship with a grudging respect. His only real requirement was that their personal lives remained separate from their professional responsibilities.

One evening, as the team wrapped up a particularly grueling case, Tony and Ziva shared a moment of quiet camaraderie. They stood by the elevator, waiting for it to arrive.

Tony took Ziva's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "You know, I was worried about how this would play out. But it seems like we've got a good thing going."

Ziva leaned in, her eyes filled with warmth. "Yes, we do. And I'm glad we're able to be honest and open about it."

The elevator dinged, and they stepped inside, their hands still intertwined. The team's support had made their new reality comfortable, and they were ready to face whatever challenges came their way—together.

As the elevator doors closed, Tony and Ziva shared a glance, their smiles speaking of a deep, unspoken understanding. Their journey had been unconventional, but it had led them to a place of genuine connection and mutual respect—a place where their personal and professional lives could coexist in harmony.

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