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MCRT x Teen!Member


The bullpen at NCIS headquarters buzzed with its usual blend of urgency and routine as Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs stepped off the elevator, coffee in hand. His team was scattered about, each absorbed in their tasks—Tony at his desk, McGee engrossed in his computer, and Ziva checking over case files. But there was someone new sitting quietly at Abby's lab table, engrossed in what looked like a complex set of equations.

Abby Sciuto, the team's forensic scientist, was leaning over the young girl with intense curiosity, her pigtails bobbing as she spoke animatedly. "And this is the centrifugal force calculation you were asking about, Bex. See how it correlates with the velocity gradient?"

Bex, a 15-year-old with a shock of unruly dark hair and an intense gaze behind oversized glasses, nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, it makes perfect sense now! Thanks, Abby."

Gibbs approached slowly, observing the interaction. He knew Abby had a soft spot for young prodigies, but seeing Bex at NCIS was unexpected. He cleared his throat. "Abby, what's going on here?"

Abby turned with a bright smile. "Hey, Gibbs! Meet Bex. She's our newest member. Just started today."

Bex looked up, suddenly aware of Gibbs' presence. "Hi, Special Agent Gibbs. It's an honor to meet you."

Gibbs nodded, his eyes assessing but not unkind. "What's your specialty, Bex?"

Bex shifted nervously in her seat. "I, uh, I'm good with patterns, codes, and I have perfect pitch."

Tony DiNozzo, ever the joker, leaned over from his desk. "Perfect pitch, huh? Can you sing us a tune?"

Bex blushed faintly but didn't miss a beat. "I'd rather not, Tony. I prefer to use my skills for more... analytical purposes."

Gibbs raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite himself. "Show me what you've got."

Bex hesitated, then turned her attention to the screen in front of her. "I was analyzing some encrypted messages intercepted from a recent case. It appears to be a substitution cipher, possibly a variant of the Vigenère cipher."

McGee leaned closer, interest piqued. "Let me see that."

Bex pulled up the code, her fingers flying over the keyboard as she explained her thought process. "See here? The frequency analysis suggests a key length of around 8 characters. I'm working on a script to brute-force the key."

McGee nodded in approval. "Impressive. Have you been doing this kind of work long?"

Bex shrugged. "Since I was... well, young."

Abby interjected proudly, "Bex has been homeschooled, but she's more than ready for fieldwork."

Gibbs nodded, his expression softening imperceptibly. "Got it. Welcome to the team, Bex. Tony, McGee, get her set up with a desk."

As the team bustled around, settling Bex into her new workspace, Dr. Donald Mallard—Ducky—approached with a gentle smile. "Welcome to NCIS, my dear. I hear you're quite the prodigy."

Bex blushed again, unused to the attention but warming to the kindness of the team. "Thank you, Dr. Mallard. It's an honor to meet you."

Ducky patted her shoulder gently. "The pleasure is ours, I assure you. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Throughout the day, Bex impressed the team with her insights and contributions. Tony found himself intrigued by her ability to spot patterns in seemingly unrelated evidence. Ziva appreciated her attention to detail. And Gibbs, though gruff as ever, couldn't help but be impressed by the young genius in their midst.

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