Ellie and Penny

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Ellie Bishop x Autistic!'Kid Sister' OC

Summary: Ellie Bishop, In her mid twenties, is dedicated to caring for her twelve year old sister since their parents are getting older and have become unable to offer her the care she needs and deserves.

Special Agent Eleanor Bishop, known simply as Ellie to her colleagues at NCIS, hurried through the bustling corridors of the headquarters in Washington, DC. Her mind was occupied not only by the pending case files but also by thoughts of her younger sister, Penelope, who had become a constant presence in her life over the past few months.

At twelve years old, Penelope—affectionately called Penny or Pen—was a bright, inquisitive girl with a penchant for adventure. Her arrival in DC had been sudden, prompted by their aging parents' inability to provide adequate care back home. Ellie, being the responsible older sister, had readily taken on the role of guardian without a second thought.


In the early morning light filtering through the curtains, Ellie Bishop stood in the kitchen of their cozy apartment, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the faint scent of pancakes on the griddle. It was a routine she had come to cherish—a moment of calm before the day's whirlwind began.

Penelope, her younger sister, emerged from her bedroom, a thoughtful expression on her face as she entered the kitchen. At twelve years old, Penny was a bright, affectionate girl with a keen intellect and a gentle spirit. She moved with a precise grace, her movements deliberate and methodical.

"Morning, Ellie," Penny greeted softly, her voice carrying a hint of hesitation.

"Morning, Pen," Ellie replied warmly, turning to give her sister a reassuring smile. She knew mornings could be a challenge for Penny, the transition from sleep to wakefulness often overwhelming for her. "I made your favorite pancakes."

Penny nodded gratefully, taking her seat at the table. Ellie placed a plate of pancakes in front of her, carefully ensuring there were no stray crumbs or unexpected textures that might unsettle Penny's senses.

As they ate, Ellie's mind shifted to the specific tasks that punctuated their daily routine—the small but crucial accommodations she made to ensure Penny's comfort and well-being.

After breakfast, Ellie guided Penny to the bathroom, gently reminding her to brush her teeth and wash her face. She knew the sensation of toothpaste foam and water droplets on Penny's skin could sometimes be unsettling, so she patiently waited outside, offering quiet encouragement.

Next came the challenge of getting dressed. Ellie had removed all tags from Penny's clothes long ago, knowing how uncomfortable they could be against her sensitive skin. She laid out a selection of Penny's favorite outfits, each carefully chosen for their soft fabrics and simple designs.

"Penny, don't forget to put on your socks," Ellie reminded gently, watching as her sister meticulously arranged her clothes.

Throughout the day, Ellie maintained a delicate balance—supporting Penny's independence while providing the guidance and structure she needed. She kept a close eye on Penny's schedule, setting reminders for homework assignments, meals, and hydration breaks.

"Time to take a break and have some water, Pen," Ellie prompted, placing a filled water bottle within Penny's reach. She knew Penny's focused mind often caused her to lose track of time, and hydration was essential to prevent headaches and fatigue.

As evening approached, Ellie helped Penny unwind from the day's activities. She brushed Penny's long hair, carefully untangling knots with a gentle touch. Ellie knew the sensory experience of brushing could be calming for Penny, providing a soothing rhythm that eased her anxieties.

"Okay, Pen, time to start winding down," Ellie said softly, guiding Penny through her evening routine. They reviewed Penny's homework assignments together, discussing each task methodically to ensure Penny understood and felt prepared.

Before bed, Ellie prepared Penny's safe foods for dinner—simple, nutritious meals that Penny found comforting and familiar. She knew Penny's preferences well, accommodating her specific dietary needs without question.

As Penny settled into bed, Ellie sat beside her, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "Goodnight, Pen," Ellie whispered tenderly, pressing a gentle kiss to Penny's forehead.

"Goodnight, Ellie," Penny replied with a small smile, her eyes drifting shut.

In those quiet moments before sleep claimed her, Ellie reflected on the challenges and joys of caring for Penny. Their daily routine was a testament to their bond—a bond strengthened by love, understanding, and unwavering support.

And as Ellie watched over her sister, she knew that their journey together was filled with endless possibilities—a journey defined not by Penny's autism, but by the extraordinary strength and resilience they found in each other.


One rainy afternoon, Ellie found herself juggling paperwork at her desk when a pair of red high-tops in her field of vision interrupted her concentration. She looked up to see Penelope standing there, her school backpack slung over one shoulder and a mischievous grin on her face.

"Hey, Ellie," Penelope greeted cheerfully, using the familiar nickname that only family members dared to call her. "Can we go explore the city this weekend? There's this cool museum I read about!"

Ellie couldn't help but smile at her sister's enthusiasm. Despite the challenges of balancing her demanding job with parenting duties, moments like these made it all worthwhile. "Maybe," she replied with a teasing glint in her eye, "if you finish your homework first."

Penelope rolled her eyes playfully. "Fine, but only if you promise not to work too late tonight. I need my co-pilot for our mission!"

Ellie chuckled softly, her heart warmed by Penelope's unwavering optimism. "Deal."

As the week progressed, Ellie found herself navigating the delicate balance between her responsibilities at NCIS and her newfound role as Penelope's caretaker. She marveled at how quickly Penelope adapted to life in the bustling city, making friends at school and eagerly exploring every corner of their new surroundings.

One evening, as Ellie prepared dinner in their cozy apartment, Penelope sat at the kitchen table, engrossed in a book about forensic science—the same subject that had initially sparked Ellie's interest in law enforcement.

"You know, Ellie," Penelope began, looking up from her book with a thoughtful expression, "I think I want to be an agent like you when I grow up."

Ellie paused, her heart swelling with pride. "You'd make a great agent, Pen," she said sincerely, moving to sit beside her sister. "But remember, it's not always glamorous. It's about hard work, dedication, and making tough decisions."

Penelope nodded thoughtfully. "I know," she replied earnestly. "But I want to help people, just like you do."

In that moment, Ellie realized just how much Penelope had grown since coming to live with her. Despite the challenges they faced as a family, their bond had only strengthened, rooted in love, mutual respect, and a shared commitment to justice.

As the evening wore on, Ellie and Penelope continued their conversation, discussing cases Ellie had worked on and sharing stories of their parents back home. Through laughter and occasional tears, they forged a deeper understanding of each other—a sisterhood born not just of blood, but of shared experiences and unwavering support.

In the quiet moments before bedtime, Ellie tucked Penelope into bed, brushing a stray strand of hair from her face. "Goodnight, Pen," she whispered softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Goodnight, Ellie," Penelope replied with a sleepy smile, her eyes already drifting shut.

As Ellie lingered in the doorway, watching her sister sleep peacefully, she knew without a doubt that their journey together was just beginning. Through the challenges and triumphs that lay ahead, they would face them together, bound by a love that transcended distance, age, and circumstance—a bond that strengthened their resolve to protect and serve, both as sisters and as agents of justice.

And in the shadows of their shared home, the echoes of their laughter and whispered conversations resonated—a testament to the unbreakable bond of sisterhood that defined their lives.

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