One of YOUR Hugs

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Gibbs had been having one of those days at work. The kind where even his legendary patience was wearing thin. As he strode through the bullpen, his team members could sense the storm clouds gathering around him. But it was Y/N who noticed the subtle tension in his shoulders, the furrow in his brow that spoke volumes.

"Hey, Gibbs," she greeted softly as he approached her desk. "Rough day?"

He grunted in response, not bothering to hide his frustration. Y/N knew Gibbs well enough to understand that sometimes he just needed a moment. But today seemed different. He seemed on edge in a way she hadn't seen in a while.

"Can I help with something?" she asked gently, tilting her head to meet his eyes.

Gibbs hesitated for a moment, his jaw tightening. Then, almost reluctantly, he said, "Y/N, I need one of your hugs."

Hugs were Y/N's speciality. The way she hugged those she loved and cared for, a way that was somehow both gentle and firm at the same time, had people easily forgetting evencthe worst day for at least a little while. Once, Tony even fell asleep mid hug from for comfortable he was. So, It was no real shock that one of her hugs was requested. But it was a shock by WHO it was requested.

Y/N blinked, surprise evidnet in jer usually calm expression. Gibbs wasn't one to openly seek comfort, especially not in such a straightforward manner. But she also knew his trust in her was unwavering. Without a word, she stood up and walked around her desk, meeting him halfway.

Wrapping her arms around him, she pulled him into a warm embrace. Gibbs was taller and broader than her, but in that moment, he seemed to fold into her, his tension melting away. Y/N could feel the weight of his day in the way he leaned into her, seeking solace in the simple act of being held.

They stood like that for a few moments, the sounds of the bullpen fading into the background. Y/N could sense Gibbs gradually relaxing, the rigid lines of his frame softening against her. It was a rare glimpse of vulnerability from a man who was usually the pillar of strength for his team.

When they finally pulled apart, Gibbs looked down at her with a small, grateful smile. "Thanks," he murmured, his voice rough with emotion.

Y/N returned the smile, her heart warmed by the trust he had placed in her. "Anytime, Gibbs," she replied softly. "Anytime."

As Gibbs walked away, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Not just because she had been there for him, but because their bond went beyond the confines of their workplace. In moments like these, they were more than colleagues—they were friends who understood each other in ways that didn't always need words.

And as Gibbs returned to his desk, Y/N couldn't help but hope that her hug had managed to chase away at least some of his troubles, if only for a little while.

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