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First of all this chapter took a while mainly because I changed the writing style, please tell me if you prefer this one or the previous. I put this first because this is important and maybe more people will tell me their opinion this way anyway see you at the end of the chapter.

Horikita Suzune

After the whole ordeal on the first of May, I held a meeting with Kushida, Hirata, Yukimura, Kiyotaka, and Ken. The latter two didn't really need to be there, but cementing them as my close associates early on will be beneficial.

The meeting was rather short but efficient—just as I like to do things.

The main topic was the creation of study groups. Hirata and Yukimura took most of the students, and I took on the task of tutoring the less academically inclined. 

I'm talking about Yamauchi's and Ike's gang.

Unfortunately, increasing our class's academic ability must be our top priority. 

This is the one front where we are severely lacking compared to other classes. Not to mention that we also have to ensure no one fails the midterm and gets expelled. It would hinder some of my plans going forward.

 I can already feel future me's frustrations.

Not really, but I would definitely have better things to do than teaching these students. 

However, we must make sure everyone passes. Hirata said it himself, and I agree—though only because his damage control went well.

 If we had zero class points (I finally got its real name after sensei mentioned it), I would rather cut the slackers. Although, class morale would plummet and insubordination would arise.

 I guess this is truly a better outcome for the short term.

Back to the study groups: Kushida will help every group when she has the time, but she will mostly assist me in motivating the idiots or keeping them in line without the need for intimidation.

 Even if she's fake, she is exactly what I need right now.

End of the First Study Sessions

With Kushida's help, we managed to make progress. Even if it's little, if we keep this tempo, they will pass. But this will definitely be harder than tutoring Ken. Also, he's in my group as well. Even if I can't focus on him that much, he's still progressing on his own.

Things continued like this for the next few days. We were closing the gap in academic ability. Of course, we were miles away from Class A or even Class B, but we didn't need to be better—yet.

In the middle of a peaceful day, Kiyotaka and I were suddenly called to the guidance room. He gave me a nod, and we departed to the given destination.

 I wonder why they called us. It must be sensei's doing; that much I'm sure of but the exact reason is a mystery. 

Well, there's no use thinking about it now. I'll know in a few minutes anyway.

In the guidence room

We arrived to find sensei waiting for us on one of the couches in the room.

"Come and sit, please," she instructed.

We both sat down without a word. Sensei eyed us for a moment before speaking.

"Now, you must be wondering why I called you here, right?" she asked.

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