Edgy Da Uni (WIP)

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Since I got the Shadow t-shirt from Hot Topic, I've been craving some art of Uni dressed as Shadow. She still needs a hand and some more details but, she should be done by this weekend. I did take some inspiration from her Sonic cosplay mostly because Shadow was based on hieroglyphics found in S3&K depicting what looks like Super Sonic fighting an Eggman mech to secure the Master Emerald. There are some obvious changes made to make this one. Instead of a blue tracksuit, she's got dark cargo pants and a leather jacket with a fluffy collar. I'll be adding some kind of gloves and an inhibitor rings when I do the hand. Also, I did try my best with a pose that looks like she's skating because she had to get custom air shoes for this cosplay. Anyway, I'm gonna take a break to go help with dinner.

Edit: Okay, I actually finished this up last night. I just wanted to wait until today to get good pics. But the sketch is done!

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