After leaving the Isle Livia ran to the dorms looking for Mal or Ben but found Dizzy walking out of her room. "Dizzy. Please tell me where you know Mal or Ben is." Said Livia breathing heavily. "I dont know. Are you okay?" Said Dizzy. "I will be but . . . Maleficent's staff is stolen along with the crown. Chelsea saw it. But i dont know where she is." Said Livia. "I'll send the word out. Go get some water and calm down." Said Dizzy. "Not happening and please careful." Said Livia walking down the halls. She catched her breath and explored the campus looking for anything off and the vks. Finding none of them she decided to go to the woods sic e she didnt explore there. By the time gets close to the enchanted lake Liva saw pink smoke a few feet away. Livia quickly covered her nose and mouth with Hades scarf that she stole on her way towards the lake. Everything grew too quiet for her suspicions with the smoke slowly disappearing the closer she got seeing a small party going on. Livia looked around the woods seeing a few people turned to stone as Audrey appeared in front of her smiling wickedly. "Audrey. Please. It doesn't have to be like this." Said Livia holding her hands up slowly. "Oh but it does. I deserved everything and I'm not letting anyone especially you stand in my way!" Said Audrey raising the staff. "Wait Audrey. Dont!" Livia says reaching to to her. Jane peeked slowly from behind the water fall seeing Livia slowly turning to stone from her feet to her head. She saw Livia now turned into a statue before letting out her last breath come out of her mouth like a mist. Audrey did a dark laugh before disappearing as Jane got out the water and went to get help. After she left Livia phased out of the statue and looked around confused before leaving to find her friends. Livia went back to the campus and saw August relieved walking towards him. "August. There you are." Said Livia as August turned to her voice.

"Livia? Where are you?" Said August looking past her. "Please tell me this a prank?" Said Livia reaching out to his shoulder but it went through. August looked at his shoulder touching it feeling a cold breeze. He looked around seeing no one but felt something was still there. "August?!" Said Jane running towards him. "Livia got turned to stone." She says. "Oh my God. That explains why I heard and felt her." Said August then pulled out his phone hitting an app. "Livia was that you that I heard and felt touch my shoulder?" Said August as the phone played through radio channels fast. "Yes." Said Livia as it went through. Jane covered her mouth in shock as August did too but with a fist. "Who did this?" Said August. "Audrey. Go find Mal and Ben." Livia says through the phone. August and Jane looked at each other before put his phone away as they went inside. "Mal? Ben?" Said August looking in each room while Jane called Carlos. "Where are you?" Said Jane on the phone. "Okay. We'll be right there. There at Evie's cottage." Said Jane. "Lead the way." Said August following her. They ran and ran to the woods to a small cottage seeing Carlos and Jay outside. "Jane!" Said Carlos hugging her. Jay looked at August and did their bro hug then saw something was off between the two. "Livia got turned to stone but she's here." Said August. "What do you mean she's here? Oh my God is she dead?" Said Carlos as he flinched almost running to Jane. "She blew into your ear didn't she?" Said August. "that's what that was?" Said Carlos as Livia appeared next to August. "So who killed her?" Said Jay. "I don't think I'm dead. Audrey or the staff did something besides turning me to stone." Said Livia as August repeated what she said. "I don't think the staff is strong enough to kill someone right?" Said Jay. "What about killing someone?" Said Evie. "Livia got turned to stone but she's here." Said Jay. "Livia doesn't think she's dead." Said August. "Did you know that it was her?" Said Evie.

"We used my spirit app to communicate with her." Said August. "Oh God. What's Hades gonna think?" Said Evie then covered her mouth. "You know? She knows. Who else knows Olivia?" Said August. "Just us Carlos and Evie." Said Livia. "What is going on?" Said Jay. "Livia if you're here. Can I tell Jay and Jane?" Said Evie in the sky. Livia was about to say something but got an idea and stepped into August's body. "Since you blurred it out. Go ahead." Said Livia thought August's voice. "Hades and Livia are dating." Said Evie. "What the fuck was that?" Said August. 'Sorry. Since I'm kinda like a ghost I was doing a test.' Said Livia in August's head. "Warn me next time you possess by body." Said August as he unexpectedly shook. Livia walked out as Mal showed up and relieved to see August but looked worried not seeing Livia. "Where is Livia?" Said Mal. "She got spelled along with Chelsea." Said Jane. "What?!" Said Mal and Livia. "Don't let them tell Mal about me being a ghost. Who knows what she'll do with both of her parents temper." Said Livia. "Before Chelsea got turned to stone. She sent a message to me and Livia that she saw A-" August didn't finish as he suddenly started getting drowsy and fell on the ground asleep. "August?" Said Mal. "Let's go. Inside." Said Evie bring Mal inside with Carlos, Jane, and Jay following. Livia stayed behind kneeling down to August seeing him breathing in and out slowly. She looked around for any sign of Audrey before feeling someone hugging her from behind. "Jason." Said Livia turning her head to the left seeing him. "Hi Mom." Said Jason kissing her cheek. "Please let this be a nightmare." Said Livia in a shakey voice. "No. Mommy." Said Jason as Livia hugged him back crying into his shoulder. "Everything is going to be okay. Mommy don't cry." Said Jason petting her hair. "You're right. Mal and her friends will resolve this. Let go see Hades." Said Livia. 

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