Livia walked around confused seeing she was somewhere else and heard Jason laughing behind her. She turned to see him on a swinging tied to a tree with lavender flowers draping down. "It beautiful isn't it Mom." Said Jason. "Where are we?" Said Livia seeing the flowers and the light peeking through the trees around them. "I don't know but it's not heaven. I come here to see grandma and grandpa who visit our graves." Said Jason. Livia walked over to him as he slowed down seeing her getting worried. ",How did we get here?" Said Livia. "The Mirrors. They are portals like you said. Remember? You and I went through Audrey's mirror to follow Mal and her friends." Said Jason. Livia nodded remembering that then heard someone crying somewhere close by. "Grandma and Grandpa are here." Said Jason getting off to grab Livia's hand leading the way. He walked on the mossy logs balancing himself while Livia held his hand before jumping down to a see through couple of a man and a woman kneeling down to a gravestone. The man had silver hair brushed back wearing a light brown jacket with jeans and boots holding a crying brunette looking at the grave that had Livia and Jason's name. "I'm sorry." Said the woman. "Helen. It's not your fault. None if it was your fault or ours." Said the man. "Van. It is our fault if we didn't believe our daughter when she saw our grandson. She would've been alive." Said Helen. "Mom." Said Livia kneeling down to her level. "She wouldn't want to be so down on yourself. We should have help support her instead of making her off. We should have seen it coming since this does skip a generation." Said Van. "But I didn't want to believe it but when she started showing the signs I was scared that she'd seen as a freak." Said Helen then felt something different. She looked up seeing a mist in front of her a few feet away and kept on staring. "Olivia. Jason." Said Helen. Livia walked forward holding Jason's hand kneeling down her level smiling at her.

"Hi Mom." Said Livia making her cry again. "Helen?" Said Van looking around seeing nothing. "They're here." Said Helen as Jason hugged Van making him feel a cold spot. "I miss you so much." Said Van tearing up. "We miss you too." Said Jason. Helen then remembered something in her purse pulling it out making Livia surprised to see her old ghost box when she first started investigating. She watched Helen turn it on hearing the different radio channels speeding to to stations to stations. "We miss you. Mom and Dad." Said Livia through the box. "Is Jason with you?" Said Van. "Hi Papa." Said Jason making them laughed. "Hey kiddo. How are things at your new home?" Said Van. "We're fine. Hows everybody?" Said Livia. "Everyone is doing fine. We just visit here as much as we can mostly on your birthdays and anniversary." Said Helen. "We heard everything." Said Livia. "Its nobody's fault." Sais Jason. "Dont let yourself down. We are both happy where we are." Said Livia. She touched her Helen's hair and kissed her head and doing the same for Van. "I never thought id missed your touch this much." Said Helen as Livia turned back where they walked from. She felt the need to go back as Jason ran a bit ahead and looked at her. "We love you and hope to see you soon." Said Livia and left to chase after Jason back to Auradon. She saw the hanging mirror of Audreys room jumping through after Jason. They saw Mal and Evie bringing Audrey in laying her in bed asleep. Livia then left with Jason looking fo find the spell is wearing off one by one getting everyone back to normal. She and Jason were now by the enchanted lake seeing her Statue but saw it begining to crack and chipping off into pieces falling off her body until she dropped down to her knees landing down to her stomach with her eyes open not moving. Livia looked shock and scared while Jason left her alone to check on everyone in Auradon. She walked over to her body and let out a loud horrific scream not caring if she was heard or not. August woke up rubbing his head and looked around finding himself alone and went to find Chelsea and Livia. He ran to the campus to be tackled by a familiar blonde then pulled away after hearing something. "What?" Said Chelsea looking at him. August shushed her as he listened carefully then looked at her. "I heard Livia scream." Said August. "I didnt h- oh god you dont think." Chelsea stopped as they looked at each other and ran to the woods to the enchanted lake. She followed August jumping a dodging rocks and trees until they found Livias body. "Oh god." Said Chelsea. August ran over turning her body on her back and checked for breathing before he began CPR.

While August tried to revive Livia Chelsea started make a call to Fairy Godmother. "Hello." Said Fairy Godmother. "Anything!" Said Chelsea looking at August who laid his head on the ground defeat. "Chelsea whats wrong?" Said Fairy Godmother. "Shes gone. We found her body but theres no sign of life. August tried CPR but nothing is happening." Said Chelsea. "Oh goodness. Where are you?" Said Fairy Godmother. "Near the enchanted lake and hurry." Said Chelsea before hanging up. She then went to August to help him calm down seeing his body shake. Chelsea rubbed his back and swayed their bodies side to side tearing up. She looked over seeing Livia's unblinking eyes and decided to close them. After a while Jane, Gil, Doug, and Fairy Godmother came seeing them but mostly Livia. "Im calling Carlos." Said Jane as Gil went to Livias body. "Dont touch her. August already tried CPR." Said Chelsea with her voice cracking. "Im serious. Shes not moving or anything. Is there a way to bring her back." Said Jane on the phone. "Alright. Its that Chelsea and August are freaking out." She says. Livia walked over to August and blew into his ear away from Chelsea. "Livia?" Said August looking to find nothing. "Warn Hades." Said Livia knowing August is listening. "Fairy Godmother. We gotta go." Saod August "Where are we oh." Chelsea says until August gave her a look. "We are gonna get help to bring Livia back somehow." She says as they ran. They got to the docks going to the Isle and climbed through the barrier heading to Hades place. "Hades!" Said Andre running inside the mines. Chelsea was right behind him until Fury barked tackling her doen licking her happily. "Yeah. Yeah. Get off. Hades!" Said Chelsea looking around seeing no sign of him. August ran up to the bedroom and saw the bathroom light on with some music playing. "Hades!" Said August. He heard the music stop and the curtains being moved as Hades came out with a towel around his waist looking pissed. "What?!" Said Hades. "Livia is officially dead. She found her body." Said Chelsea who came in. "What? She cant be dead. Did you try" "August already tried CPR you son of a bitch. We came here to tell you what happened." Said Chelsea. "Okay. Look theres my Ember. Only i can use it to help bring her back." Said Hades. "Alright but how the fuck are we supposed to get you out." Said Chelsea. "Mal will do that because she took my Ember to stop Audrey. It worked partly for her. I can escape to do my work where she 'died' as long as her soul is close. Now get out." Said Hades. "This better work or im kicking your ass." Said Chelsea as August pulled her out of the room. "We'll be at the enchanted lake guarding her body. Thanks Hades." Said August. "Im doing this for her. No one else." Said Hades walking back to the bathroom. "Whatever you say Lover boy." Said August as they left the lair. 

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