Royal Wedding P2

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While everyone were dancing on the floating platforms except for Livia who walked back tot he woods and ran without being seen. ir so she thought as Uma came over with the guests seeing her vanish into the woods. "Excuse me?" said Uma walking over to jay who jumped down not far from her. "If youre looking for Hades' girlfriend. She ran into the woods." said Uma. "Do you know why?" said Jay. "NO but we better go follow her to make sure she's good." said Uma. They went to tot the woods looking and listening for Livia but didn't see no sign of her when Uma stopped to think. "WHat are you thinking?" said Jay looking at her. "When I was in hiding LIvia let me live in her small house." said Uma. "Lets get moving then." said Jay jogging ahed unil they found it. He saw the lights were on as Uma went up knocking on the door for Augst to answer it. "Where's she?"said Uma. "Inside but we need sometime to explain. Gotta issue to deal with?"said August looking back inside. He saw Uma looking in finding Livia distressed on the couch with Chelsea rubbing her back. "What's going on?" she asked. "Who's that?!" said young male voice. "It's okay. She's a friend." said CHelsea. "We're not leaving until we knw whats up." said Jay. "Let them in." said Livia. August moved aside to let Jay and Uma in seeing what looked like blood on the floor leading tot he bathroom looking at him then at Livia and Chelsea. "What happened?" said Uma. "My cousin Dylan is here. August and Chelsea found him covered in blood and shaken up. He's in the bathroom right now cleaning up." said Livia. "Is he hurt? How did he get here?" said Jay. "He said fell in runs of where August created that new spell that got us here while getting away from Liam. He got out after not accepting that I 'died' and went to our family gathering t confront them until Hell broke loose. I cant get into much details after what Dylan witnessed. I need to stay here until he's doing well enough to get out." said Livia. "So you want us to lie?" said Uma sounding upset rom how she's trying to hold it in. "I'm mad at Liam too but guess what he's dead though I do need to put a banishing spell with a black mirror." said Livia. "If you guys want you can let everyone if they're getting worried but just don't come over. Dylan needs time to adjust here." said Livia. "Okay." said Uma crossing her arms.

"Mind if you guy get some clothes for him?" said Chelsea. "I'll see I what I can do." said Jay. He and Uma herd the door open showing a twelve year old boy with brown hair walking out with a towel around his waist. "Who are they?" said Dylan. "I'm Uma. Daughter of Ursula." said Uma. And I'm Jay. Son of Jafar." said Jay. "Did I die?" said Dylan. "No. you just have a small cut on the side f your forehead when we found you laying unconscious next Jason's memorial." said Chelsea. "Plus if you were dead. Then you wouldn't have felt us touching you or the burning sting of the rubbing alcohol." said August. "So we're in Disney world or something?" said Dylan. "More like universe but we all have gotten used to this place." said Chelsea. "Rest go get some sleep. Theres some men's underwear in one of the drawers." said Livia as Dylan went upstairs. "Well you better get back or Hades will . . . " "I know." Livia interrupted getting up. "I'll stay here to keep him company." Said Jay. "Thanks." said Livia walking out with Chelsea and Uma. They got back to see everyone having a great time dancing the night away like theres no tomorrow as Hades went over taking Livia to the floating platforms. "Where you been, Babe?" said Hade taking her hand in his and the other on her waist. "Dealt with an emergency." said Livia spinning around. "Really? Should I know about this emergency?" said Hades looking down at her. "You and everyone else will in a few days or more." said Livia. "Do I look someone with that patience?" Said Hades. "Someone from my world came. Its my cousin Dylan who right is traumatized thanks to Lim." said Livia. "That asshole that killed your son." said Hades."Yep. Jay and August are there with him." Said Livia. "What did that fucker do?" said Hades. "Dylan doesn't want to talk about but he was kinda banged up especially being covered in blood when Chelsea and August fond him." said Livia. "Who else knows?" said Hades. "Uma knows to and allowed her and jay explain whats going on." said Livia then almost screamed when she was suddenly dipped. "You ass." said Livia as Hades brought her back up. "So im guessing you're going to spend the night with him?" Said Hades guiding the platform down after the dance was over. "Yeah. But you join us if you want. I'm sure Pain an Panic can handle the dogs." said Livia jumping into his arms once they both got down.

"Yeah or have Cecelia do it." said Hades walking with her. "Come on. Im sure Dylan is knocked out by now." said Livia going through the woods with Hades. She opened the door seeing Jay on the couch watchin a sports game with August grabbing his jacket from the dining room chair. "You can go now Jay. the party is almost over." said Livia. "Alright. I'll come by with those clothes for Dylan." Said Jay on his way out. "Im gonna go too. Im gotta let Fairy Godmother about the new arrival." said August leaving them alone. He closed the door behind him looking at the night sky seeing nice and peaceful it was walking back to Auradon to his room. Livia walked to the closet upstairs to change out of the dress while Hades came up to see Dylan asleep on the large bed. She began untying the strings to slip off the dress and hang it in the closet and took off her shorts and stockings. Hades took off his coat and pants leaving only his tank top amd boxers leaving them aside with his boots. He headed downstairs once Livia got a large shirt on as her pjs following him to the couch. They both laid together on couch enjoying how quiet it was other then hearing Dylan mumbling in his sleep. A set of footstep got their attention to Dylan walking to the living room with his eyes open in a daze looking up wearing a large shirt covering him. "How did you get out?" Sias Dylan. "Well this is a first." Said Livia. "Should we wake him up?" Said Hades. "No but because you dont how will they react." Said Livia watching Dylan walk to the scented candle. She sess him pick it up and drink it but it relived that the wick wasnt lit. "Fuck off chicken ass." Said Dylan going to the kitchen. He later came back with the candle getting hit in the head by a throw pillow. Livia glared at Hades who shrugged watching Dylan go to them leaning down close to their discomfort. "Hi." Said Dylan. "How long is the sleepwalking gon a last?" Said Hades. "I have no idea. Dylan! No!" Said Livia stopping from taking off the shirt. She touched his arms making him blink his eyes confused looking around. "What happened?" Said Dylan looking at her. "You were sleepwalking and almost flashed us." Said Hades. "Thank Hades. Just go back to sleep." Said Livia. She led him back to the room watching him sleep to make sure he didn't sleepwalk again before joining Hades back on the couch.

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