What Now?

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Its a rough few days with Dylan showing up unexpectedly especially what happened to him. Livia walked with him to Bens office with vks waiting for them. She opened the door having Dylan go in having a seat looking around. "Hey Dylan. How are you?" Said Ben looking at him. "Alright i guess." Said Dylan. "You trust them. Ben and Mal are King and Queen here in Auradon. They're willing to help you. Wanna tell them what you told me and Hades?" Said Livia. "That im basically an orphan because of Liam." Said Dylan sounding upset. "What is up with that ex of yours?" Said Carlos looking at Livia. "I guess he craves for blood shed." Said Livia then looked at Dylan. "Sorry. Dylan told me that Liam some how escaped with two other inmates looking for me starting at my old house which Dylan and his parents moved into. He and the men held him and our family at gun and knife point if they didnt tell him what he wanted to hear." Livia explained. "I used my training in Mix Martial Arts to escape to call the police. I heard screams and footsteps running behind me when i made it upstairs to my room. I shut the door locking it behind me and made the call listening to our stuff being thrown or moved. Then got quiet. I went downstairs finding my dads body and went to look for my mom grabbing a fire poker with me. I looked around the house until i got the backyard seeing my mom drop with her throat open making me loose it. I just started attacking Liam hitting amd stabbing him while he gave me a few punches blaming our family." Said Dylan. "I then kicked him in the face and ran with Liam and the other guy after me going into the woods i think and got hit in the head out of no where. I started blacking in and out seeing the lights of the cop car with Liam and the guy getting shot at many times until i passed out." Said Dylan. "Good news is Hes dead. But sorry about your parents." Said Carlos. "I was hoping on some adoption papers." Said Livia. "Yeah. Its not a problem and i can enroll him into Auradon Prep." Said Ben as Livia saw something behind him. "Yeah and Mal. Would you or your friends mind showing him around until he feels comfortable." Said Livia.

"Yeah." Said Mal. "Thanks. Now if you'll excuse me. I have an ex to banish." Said Livia kissing the top of Dylans head. "Mom." Said Mal catching up to Livia down the hall. "You saw Liam didnt you?" She asked. "Yeah. No surprise about his attachment but i dont think I'll have an issie banishing him i just need to close the mirrors and that will take up my energy." Said Livia. "Maybe i can some " Bang. "You heard it." Livia looking at Mal who went to the office for moment and felt a touch on her hair. She turned and screamed to see a man in orange prison jumpsuit with blood and bullet wounds around his body standing in front of her. "Mom! What happened?" Said Mal with everyone behind her. "You saw him didnt you?" Said Dylan. "Oh yeah. He wanted me to know that hes here. Mustve used the mirrors as a portal. Just fucking great. Im putting that bastard in his place." Said Livia. "Do what you have to. But we need to find him the perfect lining because black and white isnt him. Sorry Carlos." Said Evie. "Better than seeing sleepwalking naked." Said Livia. "I apologized. I didnt know how to trigger them or know anyone with enough experience." Said Dylan. "Im gonna do it on my bus where no can bother me." Said Livia. She went to the isle going to her bus seeing it was still the same except for the dust. Livia looked through her things until she found her old journal with the spells she needs. "Liv? Wasnt expecting you here." Said Freddie stepping in. "Just looking for a very good banishing spell for my now dead ex." Said Livia looking through the pages. "I dont want his soul haunting me or my cousin." She says. "Cousin? You mean to tell me someone else you know is here. How is that possible?" Said Freddie. "I have no fucking idea and i dont want see Liams bloody ghost again." Said Livia. She and Freddie then felt the whole bus shake looking at each other in silence. "Please tell me you got friends with you?" Said Livia looking at Freddie.

"I come here to get a break from the shop or to write my music." Said Freddie as the door swung shut behind her. She tried opening it until someone yanked on her vesg making her scream. "Liam?!" Said Livia holding her. "Show yourself!" She says looking around. "You called." A voice whispered in her left ear. "Dont touch me or anyone i care about." Said Livia stepping to face him. "All i wanted was to be with you! Not with that Gay Metal Rocker." Said Liam. "I love him and his daughter. I'll do whatever it can make sure you ever mess with me." Said Livia. "And hes a better boyfriend and father than you!" She says then found herself on the ground and Liam gone. Freddie helped her up with the door forced open to show Pain looking confused and concerned. "What happened?" Said Pain. "Her ex is what happened. Wait. Wait. Wait. You got broken glass in your arm. Pain got find something to pull the pieces out while i stop the bleeding." Said Freddie having her sit on the bed. "Oh Zeus. Im gonna get scorched for this." Said Pain. "Then why are you here?" Said Freddie. "Hades sent me to find you. Something about a date." Said Pain. "Just go!" Said Freddie as Pain left. After some time of waiting Freddie had Livia take off her top to get a better look at her cuts. "You had one fucking job!" Said Hades getting in. "You cool?" Said Livia looking at him. "You got attacked. Who did it?" Said Hades. "You might want to step out because youre gonna real heated." Said Livia. She saw Hades stalk toward her placing his hands on her sides leaning close to her face with Freddie leaving. "Who?" Said Hades. "Liam. He got mad because i told him youre a better boyfriend and father. He still wants me." Said Livia seeing his hair turning red and blue. "Im here to find the right spell to banish him." She says. "I'll deal with him. Lets get yoy patched up." Said Hades taking out the first aide. "Yeah. Pain mentioned our date." Said Livia seeing him getting ready to take out the glass on her left arm and side. "I know im not the kind that cares about important days but i do when it involves you which you find out tonight." Said Hades taking a piece out then clean the dry blood off. "Should i know this or am i bad girlfriend?" Said Livia. "Dont worry too much about it." Said Hades giving her should a kiss before continuing to remove the glass and clean her up. 

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