Livia emerge through the brick walls of the alley while holding Jason's hand. She looked around not believing that this situation is actually happening to her. "Nice dog. Nice dog look there's some garage!" Said Gil backing up into the alley facing Fury growling at him. He screamed and ran right through Livia and Jason with Fury skidded to a stop seeing Livia. "Fury?" Said Livia kneeling down. Fury titled his head sensing something was wrong and barked a few times. He then heard someone coming seeing it was Dr. Facilier looking at him. "What's up with you boy?" Said Dr. Facilier. Fury looked at him then Livia whining and barked again as Facilier walked close looking around as he right in front of her. "Olivia?" Said Facilier as his feather was flicked. He breathed out through his nose trying not to show any sympathy and sensing her along Jason's. "I may have lost my voodoo magic but I'm guessing that Hades doesn't know." Said Facilier as Livia knocked his hat nearly off. "Alright. Jeez let me help talk to him. All you need to do is use my body when I'm ready." Said Facilier. "Well we better hurry up or we all turn into stone. It's already happening in Auradon." Said Livia in Facilier's ear. "So the Vks gave in their dark side huh?" Said Facilier. "Fury make him take us to Daddy." Said Livia. Fury barked and grabbed Facilier's coat but got ripped out of his teeth. "Alright. Damn." Said Facilier as Fury growls. They went to Hades lair walking through the tunnels hearing loud guitar music playing. "He must be deaf from playing that loud." Said Facilier entering the lair seeing Hades' playing the guitar. Fury made his way over getting his attention by barking and bitting his pants but Hades shoved him off until a chicken bone made Fury leave him alone. "Seriously." Said Livia walking over to he speaker as Jason stood by Facilier. She grabbed the plug feeling it in her hands and pulled out on her first try cutting out the music.

"What the . . . " Hades says looking at his guitar. "Nice trick Livia." Said Facilier. "Thank you." Said Livia walking back. "What gives and where's Livia?" Said Hades turning to Facilier. "It's kinda difficult to explain. But her soul is here. Doll?" Said Facilier smiling at her. Hades looked around confused until Facilier closed his eyes as Livia stepped into his body. He saw his body shake a bit and opened his eyes looking at his hands before looking at the reflection of the hanging mirror seeing herself instead of Facilier's. "Okay. Tell me what the hell is going on?" Said Hades storming over. "Would calm down. Jason go check on Mal and her friends please." Said Livia/Facilier looking down at Jason. "Got it." Said Jason vanishing. Livia/Facilier looked at Hades who was waiting for an answer and breathed. "After I went back to Auradon looking Mal or Ben knowing Audrey would go after them. But i ran into Dizzy telling her what happened then headed to the woods near the enchanted lake seeing a pink fog the closer i got. The next thing I knew was there were people that got turned to stone and Audrey found me doing the same." Said Livia/Facilier. "So her spell is affecting everyone but how did you know that you're a ghost?" Said Hades. "Because Jason hugged me after I stepped out of my own statue. I actually felt his touch back when he was alive and the ones that know are Carlos, Jane, Evie, Jay, and August before he got turned to stone. But Mal doesn't know that I'm a ghost." Said Livia/Facilier. Hades turned to the Ember on his stand picking it up and looked at her in thought before placing it back on the stand. "What are you thinking?" Said Livia/Facilier. "If I know my daughter Mal. She's gonna ask for the Ember to reverse half the spell. You can come back or maybe not." Said Hades as Facilier's body shook again.

The sound of running footsteps and creaks of the stairs drew his attention with the bedroom door slamming shut. Facilier groaned running her head feeling a migraine and looked at Hades who didn't look happy but had a 'GTFO' expression on his face. "Good luck with the wife." Said Facilier before stumbling a bit on his way out. Hades walked to the bedroom opening the door seeing dent on Livia's side and walked into the closet looking through her things. He found what he was looking for turning on the spirit box and sat down near the dent where Livia's sitting. "Don't let this issue get you down, Babe." Said Hades waiting for an answer. "I know . . . but i never . . . Expected this." Said Livia through the device. "You're dating the Lord of Dead and this shit happens." Said Hades feeling a cold breeze brush past his face. "Not helping." Said Livia knowing he can't hear her. "You know what I mean. If this spell doesn't work. I'll get your soul back into your gorgeous body." Said Hades. "You'd do that." Said Livia looking at him. "I love you too much to let you go so soon." Said Hades hearing a clear gasped. "You . . . Love me?" Said Livia through the device. "Yes. But don't make me say it again." Said Hades then heard her laugh. "Mal's here." Said Jason through the device. "Way to ruin the moment kid." Said Hades. "Stop. Being an Ass." Said Livia through the device. Hades turned off the device and left the room and sat on his chair grabbing his shades to take a 'nap' while Livia went to check on Mal. She walked around the Isle seeing four motorcycle bikes pulling in seeing the Vks and Cecelia. "Hey I'm me again." Said Mal looking at herself. "That's because the spell wore off here. I'll take you to Ha- Livia?" Said Cecelia turning around feeling her presence. "Don't tell Mal." Said Livia in Cecelia's ear. "What?" Said Mal. "I mean we got to grab the key to Hades lair. My dad has the keys follow me." Said Cecelia walking right through Livia. She shook a bit feeling her body gotten cold for a second before it went away turning Mal who looked weirded out. "I felt a roach on me. Come on." Said Cecelia leading the way with Mal behind her. 

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