Royal Wedding P1

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"Hades?" said Livia peeking from the curtain of their shared bathroom. She looked and heard for anything from their room but nothing and grabbed the towel on her way out. Livia walked out seeing Hades just walking in and stopped to me her. "No." said Livia holding her towel tight as Hades ran over tackling her on the bed. He straddled her by the hips and pinned her hands down next her head looking how mad she is at him. "You look really hot when your mad. A real. Turn on." said Hades kissing her neck then her lips. "We dont time for this. We have a wedding to go to. Hades!" Said Livia feeling his teeth. Chelsea walked in getting their attention looking at the scene in front of her with a unfaze expression. "You two are literally are like Fifty Shades of Grey but less." Said Chelsea. "What does that mean? Fifty Shades of Grey?" Said Hades getting off of Livia. "Well . . . " "No!" Said Livia pointing her index finger at her. "Then put clothes on and you. . . " said Chelsea looking at Hades. "Not the suit kind of guy. Now get out so i can watch the show." Said Hades pushing her out of the room. "You two seen each other naked before." Said Chelsea. "And so have you." Said Hades looking at her. "Fuck you. Thata because you two have sex in the shower or forget to lock the door." Said Chelsea. "Thanks for the offer but i already have a girlfriend for that." Said Hades. "Oh shut up and get out so i can change." Said Livia. "By the way your dogs are sleeping your throne." Said Chelsea as Hades stormed out. "They just love sleeping on it when Hades not around." Said Livia. "Yeah. Well move your ass. Audrey is having the wedding episode." Said Chelsea leaving her alone. Livia soon changes into a dress Evie made for her tying the strings in the back and put on her shoes. She messed with her hair a bit until it looked nice as Chelsea walked in. "Lets go your Hotheaded Bastard is waiting in the limo." Said Chelsea. She and Livia walked out Hades home going in the Limo parked not far getting inside.

"Why is she sitting between us." Said Hades. "We have been over this." Said Chelsea. "Just switch before he gets pissed and sets the limo on fire." Said Livia. She moved to sit next to Hades who flipped Chelsea off wrapping his arm around her. "As soon as the wedding is officially over then you two tear each other apart like cats and dogs." Said Livia crossing her arms. She leaned against Hades who looked mad from her looking at him not wanting to go to the ceremony. "You know Mals going to be real happy to see you on her big day even if you have to put up with Maleficent." Said Livia. "Dont mention that woman or gecko." Said Hades. "Shes still your wife and will be there." Said Chelsea. "Im just going beside Evie and Dizzy the whole time. I cant be around her after what happened last time." Said Livia. She and the others felt the limo stop after a long drive getting out seeing Jay and Uma. "Hey Liv." Said Jay smiling to see her. "Chelsea." He says. "Yeah dont greet Hades. Hes being a total bitch." Said Chelsea passing him. "Im sure hes . . . okay." Said Jay as Hades didnt say anything but go in. "Hes fine. By the way where's August?" Said Livia looking at Chelsea. "Probably helping with catching Maleficent." Said Uma. "She escaped again." Said Livia. "Put her on a leash." Said Chelsea. "She's even around here to attack you. Still dont know how she got in your room." Said Jay. "The door had a gap for her squeeze in." Said Livia then heard everyone inside running out screaming. "Fire!" Said a student. "Jay help me find some extra fire extinguishers." Said Chelsea leaving rhe scene with him. "Come on." Soad Uma grabbing her hamd leding her away from the burning building.

"Uma. Just go check on everyone. I got Hades." Said Livia. "Not happening." Said Uma. Livia looked to see Hades walking out unharmed heading back to the bridge with Uma and Liva following. "Hades. You need to relax and come back for Mal's wedding." Said Uma. She saw Hades getting fired up by how high the flames of his hair is getting. Livia moved her out of the way seeing the wind wind was blowing against the flames burning the bridge. "Let me talk to him." Said Livia looking at Uma. "Alright. I'll wait here in case anyone comes." Said Uma. Livia grabbed the end pf her dress showing her fish nets amd shorts underneath. She ran inside the isle of the lost taking a short cut to Hades home finding him approach the gate. Livia follow close behind seeing Pain and Panic getting a look from Hades before going inside letting her in. She walked half way down into the mines until a voice caught her attention behind her. "Hades? Livia?" Said Ben walking down to her view. "Here to talk to your father in law." Saod Livia. "Yeah. You know how much this means to Mal. She want you both there even if i have to drag you two." Sais Ben walki ng with her. Livia was the first to walk in seeing Hades in his chair looking upset then looked her way and growled seeing Ben. She heard Roxie barking viciously upstairs with Fury sighing. "I'll be right back." Said Livia leaving Ben and Hades alone. She walked in the bedroom seeing Roxie under Fury snarling at biting him on thw nose making yelp in pain. "You two of the bed!" Livia shouted. They got off right away whining then pulled out their cute card but Livia guided them in their cage to lock them up and cover them. Livia went to her alter where her journal is looking through it and added some things inside.

After some Livia hard roaring coming outside quickly ran out of the room going outside with Hades beside her seeing Mal in her dragon form. "Woah. Mal. Calm down. Calm down." Said Hades. "We need to talk." Said Mal following him and Livia inside. Evie went over to Livia taking some make up out but stopped to see Ben in Hades spot waiting. "Ben!" Said Mal running over to hug him. "Woah. Woah. No looking its bad luck." Said Evie. "I'll let you do my make up." Said Livia. She smiled at Evie walking over taking out eye liner, blush, and gloss. "Thanks and im not having the wedding without guys there. I know the fire wasnt your fault." Said Mal. "Im a cold heartless villain by heart and i cant ruin the most important moment in your life." Said Hades walking away from her. "And the fire wasnt really intentional." He says. Hades explained what happened inside the alter and his incident with Chad making Livia giggle. "Youre gonna smear the liner. Alright perfect." Saod Evie stepping back on her work. "Easy Maleficent." Said Ben pulling her out of his pocket. "You caught her." Said Livia looking ay her. "Yeah." Said Ben as Maleficent hissed at Livia. "Good just keep her away from me." Said Livia. "Carlos told me." Said Ben. Livia heard her phone upstairs leaving the group to get it finding it next to her journal. She saw a missed call from August then dinged to a text making her slowly sit down shock. "Mom. Ready to go?" Said Mal walking in. "Yeah. Coming. Lets get the wedding started." Said Livia putting her phone in her secret pocket. She walked with Mal down to the lair heading back to Auradon with Hades but kept her distance once she saw Maleficent on his shoulder. They arrived at the forest showing the view of Auradon with Mals friends and Fairy Godmother at the center creating a flowery arch. Livia stood next to Jay and Evie watching Mal walk down the aisle in her wedding dress linking her arm with Hades going to Ben wearing his suit and crown. Livia smiled at Mal who stood in front of Ben holding hands as the ceremony began. She listened to the words being exchanged but kept on looking at her phone for a moment then back at Auradon. Jay noticed this touching her hand to get her to look at him looking distracted. 'im fine.' She mouthed. Livia clapped for Mal and Ben being officially married as King and Queen. She hugged Mal and Ben congratulating them just before Fairy Godmother told everyone it was time for the traditional wedding dance of the night. 

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