Mal was in her dorm putting on her shoes while Evie was looking at her concern. "Evie. I know what my Dad is doing." Said Mal standing up from her bed looking at her. "I know he's doing it for you but what about Livia?" Said Evie. "I got the text from Carlos after talking to Jane. I had some security and paramedics to watch her and keep anyone from moving her just yet." Said Mal. "Okay. Well I'm gonna go company Chelsea with Doug and everyone." Said Evie hugging her before she left. She went to Livia's room knocking on the door hearing footsteps and Chelsea cracked it open showing her red puffy eyes. "Hey." Said Chelsea quietly. "Carlos told all of us what happened to her. There's paramedics and Security watching her. How are you and August holding up?" Said Evie as Chelsea let her in. She looked around finding August dead asleep on the bed and faced Chelsea. "He took the hardest. They're practically brother and sister. He nearly had a panic attack when he tried to bring her back." Said Chelsea. "Our only hope is Hades. Does he know?" Said Evie. "Livia told us to go to him. He knows that the Ember worked partly for Mal and will able bring her back." Said Chelsea. "For Mal or for himself?" Said Evie. "We both know he loves both of them. Besides I've seen fresh hickeys all over Livia's neck and chest." Said Chelsea chuckling as Evie laughed too. "We should leave him. He looked drained out to me." Said Evie looking at August. "He fell asleep two hours ago when I tricked him into drinking a special tea to make him pass out. Come on." Said Chelsea walking with her out of the room. They headed down the hall Loonie and Jane came over with some roses. "What's all this?" Said Chelsea. "Everyone in Auradon who knows about Livia and they wanted to flowers around her body in her memory." Said Jane. "I can't believe Audrey did this." Said Lonnie. "It's not like her." She says. "It's the staff. It kinda happened to her. Livia told me that she saw her and August's body but isn't them. They said it could be double gangers. I know it was just an accident. She didn't mean to do it." Said Chelsea. "She's right. Mal is bringing Hades over to wake Audrey up from the sleeping curse. Meanwhile we can look over Livia." Said Evie taking a single rose from Jane and Chelsea taking one from Lonnie. They walked through the woods and saw a few people gathering setting down flowers for Livia with two paramedics and security standing by preventing anyone form touching her. "It's like Jason's funeral except everyone here is dressed normally in a sunny day." Said Chelsea. She then saw a few reporters and news crew walking over to them getting them to leave.

Meanwhile Mal was pacing back and forth anxiously as the guards came in Hades chained up. "Thank you for coming." Said Mal standing in front of him. "You didn't really have a choice." Said Hades reaching his hand out. Mal hands him the Ember as his hair lit up in flames making him smile. "Haven't lost my touch?" Said Hades. "Oh please." Said Livia walking out from behind Adam. "You know the heroes don't care about people like us villains. You just lock us up for who we are. Isn't that?" Said Hades facing Adam. He growls at him with Adam doing the same until the ice cold touched his back. "Dad." Said Mal as he glanced at the wall. Hades then looked at her and raised his hands making the guards flinch. "I'm need my hands." Said Hades. Ben signals the guards but the chains on his wrists and ankles just fell off without them being touched. "Thanks Livia." Said Hades. Livia stood beside the bed looking down at Audrey as Hades started doing his work making the room glow blue. She began glancing around noticing that everyone in the room were looking at her in shock. Mal and Ben looked at her too seeing her look back at them sadly and fade away once Audrey woke up. Livia walked over to Hades who heard her steps feeling her cold lips on his cheek. She then felt something hot in her hand looking down to see the Ember glowing and felt herself being absorbed into. "I didn't mean to go this far. I wanted to hurt all you. I'm sorry for everything." Said Audrey. "I forgive you and I owe you a long overdue apology. But now we to figure a way to bring back Li- Dad?" Said Mal seeing nothing but black smoke fading away. She looked around then at Ben as the guards left to find him. "Mal?" Said Belle. "I know where he is. Hes gone to Livia's body." Said Mal running out. Ben and everyone followed outside seeing the familiar purple smoke consuming her turning into a dragon flying away. Ben ran to the woods with his parents following seeing Chelsea chasing off the Ryan away from Livia's body. He looked at Livia sadly as Mal ran past him but grabbed her arm gently as Hades appeared.

Hades looked down at her body slowly sitting on his knees lifting her upper body up titling her head. He took his ember lighting up and ran it over her body from her head to her heart a few times making her body glow and kissed her. Mal held Ben's hand feeling nervous as Audrey stood next to them with her grandmother. She and along with everyone watch the glow from her body and the Ember die down completely once Hades pulled away slowly waiting Livia to wake up. Livia gasped loudly breathing heavily and looked around until she landed on Hades smiling to her. "Welcome back babe." Said Hades helping her up. "Mom!" Said Mal running give her a hug. She held her tightly tearing up as Livia accepted her embrace rubbing her back kissing her head. Livia pulled wiping away her tears and her own as Chelsea took her turn hugging her. She laughed and stopped to see Hades being chained up again and being lead to the limo back to the Isle. "Wait." Said Livia going after them with Mal following. "Dad?" Said Mal making the guards stop and Hades turning around. "I'm gonna miss you all over again." Said Mal. "Thanks for the glimpse of the sun and letting me save my girlfriend." Said Hades smiling at bit. Mal walked over to kiss his cheek and watched him turn around handing her the Ember. She held look down at it while Livia followed them to the limo turn Hades around to kiss his lips sweetly. "I love you too. See you soon." Said Livia. "Yeah." Said Hades getting in the Limo. Chelsea saw the limo leave to Livia standing there watching before walking towards her. "Come on let's go see August." Said Chelsea walking to the dorms with her. "You won't believe my experience while I was dead." Said Livia looking at her. "It can wait until August wakes up. He nearly had a panic attack attempting to revive you last night. Barely slept until I made that special tea." Said Chelsea. "I saw my parents visiting me and Jason's grave." Said Livia going in the room. "Really? How?" Said Chelsea. "Through the mirror. They are portals to spirits and Jason showed me the way." Said Livia then saw August on the bed turning to his side. "I'll tell you two everything after my shower." Said Livia going to the bathroom. 

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