Livia stepped out of the shower wearing a towel going to the door but saw on the sink counter was a pink box. She took the lid off showing a pulling it out and theres was a dress underneath it. Changing into them with nice pumps Livia walked out the bathroom drying her hair as August let out a yawn and sat up seeing her. "Livia?!" Said August seeing her. "Hey Sleepy." Said Livia as August got up fast hugging her. He sniffled holding her tightly as Mal and Ben came in with Chelsea. "Okay. You get snot on her." Said Chelsea as August let go. "You can thank Mal and Uma. They helped break the spell and as well Hades for bringing my soul back." Said Livia. "You wasnt dreaming when you died. I saw you and jason with your parents." Said August. "I accidently went through a portal back at our old dimension you can say." Said Livia. "You should get ready. We have a big Announcement." Said Ben. "Right. I'll leave you alone." Said Livia walking with Ben and Chelsea. She saw the Vks and the people of Auradon looking at them some at her. "Livia." Said Mal walking out of the crowd going towards her. She hugged her and smiled seeing the outfit. "Like the combination of Evie's dress and the jacket I painted." Said Mal. "I figured that one out. And I hope things won't be be too awkward since you know about me and Hades." Said Livia. "I did call you Mom so I'm happy for you two." Said Mal. "Thanks. Are you okay?" Said Livia. "Yeah just nervous but I'm fine." Said Mal as they got to the stairs with Ben and the Royal Court. She looked at everyone who gathered close to listen including Livia, Chelsea, and August. "As Future Queen there something I need you all to hear We the council have made a decision to close the barrier forever. And it was my idea but I was wrong. We don't have to live in fear to protect ourselves. There no control of being good or bad." Said Mal as a few muttering and whispers we're heard. "If Uma and her pirates didn't come in Auradon would be gone. And Hades my Father. Audrey and Livia would be gone. So I decided to break down the barrier for good that way we can make our choices." She says as everyone clapped and cheered. "Jason?" Said Chelsea seeing a white butterfly on Livia's shoulder. She looked at Livia looking at it sensing a familiar presence as August felt it too. Livia watched it fly in front of tapping her cheek and did the same with August and Chelsea before flying around the Vks disappearing behind Mal. She smiled at this with tears ready to come out cleared her throat wiping her eyes feeling August and Chelsea hugging her. "At least now I know where he is." Said Livia. "We'll see him again someday." Said Chelsea. "We can make the portal box if you want." Said August. "I'll think about it. I'm proud that Jason moved on." Said Livia as Roxy came to pawing her feet. She bend down picking her up scratching her belly while Mal and the VKs faced the barrier doing the spell together.

The bridge between both lands appeared as the people of the Isle crossed it. Mal smiled seeing started celebrating and went towards Livia after August and Chelsea left her alone. "I'm proud of you. I know Jason does too." Said Livia. "At least now you and Dad can finally see each other more often. You okay?" Said Mal seeing her eyes slightly red. "Jason crossed over. He turned into a butterfly and went to say goodbye." Said Livia. "Oh. Do you know why he just left like that?" Said Mal. "I'll tell you later." Said Livia as Fury barked. She looked to see him run ahead of Hades going towards her and Roxy. Livia placed Roxy down petting Fury who wiggled his body happily before rolling on his back until Roxy got jealous and began biting on his face but turned to playful fight. She saw them getting out of hand before they ran off chasing each other. Hades walked off seeing Livia looking at Fury and Roxie take off somewhere wrapping his arms around her. He saw her look up smiling at him and admired her outfit making her turn around. "Like what you see." Said Livia facing him. "Yes and can't wait to take it off." Said Hades earning a smack as Mal and Ben came over. "So I'm guessing I'm going to call you Mom too." Said Ben. "That's up to you." Said Livia feeling Hades behind her with his hands on her waist. "Don't." Said Hades. "Shut up." Said Livia. "Well I'm gonna get a personal tour with my girlfriend." Said Hades pulling Livia away. He let her take the lead until they got to her room looking around the place. "Not bad. So what happened?" Said Hades looking Livia while he sat on the chair where August sits or sleeps. "About when I was dead or . . ." Livia walking over to him slowly pausing. "I saw both my parents visiting me and Jason. Mom thinks it's their fault that weren't supportive since my gift skips a generation but we communicated with my old spirit box. We talked for a bit until I went back." Livia confessed. "Jason crossed didn't he." Said Hades. "Yeah. He either turned into a white butterfly or sent one to me, Chelsea, and August after Mal's Speech." Said Livia. "You knew there was going to be a day that was going to happen." Said Hades leaning back in his seat. "At least there's his ashes and his Venom plushie to remember him by." Said Livia sitting on his lap. "Also his memorial that Auradon made for you." Said Hades. "That too. You still want that tour or want to make out." Said Livia. "Second one obviously." Said Hades closing the gap between them. He felt her legs straddle him and her arms around his neck while his hands were on her hips. Chelsea barged in ten minutes later making Hades pull away to glare at her. "So much for a tour. Ben and Mal have places to go through with Hades on where he staying at on Auradon." Said Chelsea. "Okay now get out." Said Hades. "I'll tell them to give an hour just make sure I don't find you both naked." Said Chelsea as Fury came in sniffing around. "Fury go outside with her sister." Said Livia knowing he'll pee in here. Fury listened by following Chelsea out of the room and began running up and down the halls. 

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