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Naeun took a deep breath to calm herself down before scurrying over to the door. She almost tripped on a makeup brush that was let on the floor, but she managed to make it to the door in one piece. Barely.

She opened the front door, revealing Jisung. He had dressed up for the occasion, even styling his hair with gel. Which was something he rarely did. Naeun discreetly inhaled the scent of his cologne. He smelled really good, and she hated it. She hated that he made her feel this way when she's supposed to be avoiding him.

"You look gorgeous, baby," he said, a genuine smile on his face as he tucked a strand of stray hair behind her ear. Naeun blushed, but she didn't really mind since she could easily blame her red cheeks on makeup. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks. So, where are we going?" 

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," he smiled, taking her hand in his and then interlocking their fingers. 

Juri watched from the kitchen, unable to keep the smile off of her face as she watched them leave the dorm. She had the urge to ask for Jisung's autograph before they left, but she decided that she can always ask later.

Jisung led the girl downstairs and into the parking lot where his car was parked. Naeun had seen his car multiple times before, yet it never failed to amaze her. He opened the passenger seat for her and let her get inside before going to the driver's side. 

"You can pick the music, birthday girl," he said, handing her his phone before he switched the gear to drive.

Naeun took the phone and played her favorite song. "Why don't you have a phone password?"

"I mean, I have nothing to hide. And I'll probably forget it two minutes after I set it, so there is no point," Jisung replied as he drove out of the parking lot. 

"Still though, if anyone stole your phone they would have all access to your personal information."

"Eh, no one's going to steal it off of me. Not without a fight, at least," he chuckled, glancing at the girl before turning his eyes back to the road.

"Do you know how to fight?" Naeun asked, her head turning to face him.

"I know how to throw a punch or two," he replied. "My older brother taught me some things after I started street racing. He said it's good to know how to fight, since sometimes opponents can't handle their losses and try to settle it with their fists instead."

Naeun bit her lip and looked away from him. She found men who knew how to fight extremely hot, but she wouldn't tell him that.

"Do you get into fights often?" 

"Not that much, no. I'm lucky I don't have shitty opponents who are sore losers. Most of the people I race against usually take losses pretty well, and I'm more than glad about that. The last thing I need is someone who got their panties in a bunch trying to throw their fists at me."

They sat in silence for a majority of the ride. The only sound in the car was Naeun's favorite songs playing through the speakers. She stared out of the window, getting a bit tired of being in a car for so long.

"How far away is the place?" Naeun asked.

"It's going to be a bit more driving, baby. "

"How much longer?"

"Just forty more minutes."

"That's a lot," Naeun muttered under her breath. "Where are you even taking me?"

"I told you it's a surprise. Just hang on for a bit longer," he smiled at her, an arm resting behind his head while driving with one hand.

Naeun bopped her head along to the beat of the music, her finger tapping against the seat. She was enjoying herself and they hadn't even gotten to the place yet. Jisung had rolled down the windows, the cool breeze flowing through her hair.

"So, you're turning nineteen today?" Jisung asked.

"Yep, just two more years and I'm finally drinking age," Naeun sighed. "Juri always goes out to drink with people in her year, and I'm stuck bored at the dorm."

"You can always call me when you're bored at home, I'm sure we can find ways to keep busy," Jisung smirked at her and then winked.

"Gosh, you're insufferable," Naeun rolled her eyes. She'd gotten used to his flirty comments over the weeks. Well, most of them. Every innuendo he said just made Naeun want to rip his guts out.

Time flew by quickly, and before she knew it, the two had arrived. Jisung unfastened his seatbelt, getting out of the car before swinging around to Naeun's side. He opened the door for her, taking her hand in his and helping her out of the car. The small touch made Naeun's heart flutter and she wanted to pull away. But she didn't.

Jisung kept her hand in his as he led her to the entrance. Naeun's eyes widened as she looked around at the beautiful park. It was a secluded area, tall evergreen shrubs with fairy lights decorating the walkway. As they walked further into the park, a table for you with a candlelit dinner was at the center, tall shrubs with lights circling the area. The secluded area was decorated with all of Naeun's favorite flowers as well, which she never told Jisung about.

It was easily the most beautiful scenery Naeun had ever seen. "Did you set all of this up?"

"Yep. Juri helped a lot, though," he chuckled. "I asked her to keep it a secret from you."

"It's beautiful," she craned her neck to look up at him, smiling. Jisung felt his heart skip a beat at the sight of her smile. It was the prettiest smile he'd ever seen on a person. "Thank you."

Jisung brushed her hair back gently with his fingers before resting his hand on her cheek. "Your welcome, darling. I wanted to make today special for you."

Naeun's heart was racing, the touch of his hand cupping her cheek making her get all flustered. Jisung didn't move his hand yet. His thumb stroked her cheekbone, a smile tugging on his lips.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" He whispered softly before pulling away, walking over to the table.

Naeun stood there for a moment, trying to collect herself. Her breathing was noticeably faster and her heart was beating like crazy. Taking a long, deep breath, she approached the table.

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