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Disclaimer there is some (one line) which is homophobic. This does NOT reflect my views and if you are triggered by it scroll down until they are off the bus.

Marc joined the Year 8 Drama Team as a joke. He expected to go to one rehearsal and leave laughing. He found himself going back the next week and the week after that. He liked the people, the atmosphere and the ever alluring Christie Claythorne.

Christie joined the team while looking for new means of expression. She couldn't dance, sing or play an instrument and could trump anyone at chess so drama was the obvious choice. It was a form of escapism. Until Kip joined.

In Year 10 Wesley Li had joined which gave Kip a new target. Morally Christie felt bad for him but realistically she needed the reprieve.

That was how the four of them ended up on a bus together, to the local drama festival. Christie sat on a bus seat next to Wesley who was too enamoured with texting to notice Christie's fidgeting and the sound of her boots tapping against the bus seat.

"Who are you texting?" Christie asked.

"No one, don't worry about it Christie," Wesley said with a wave of his hand.

"Is it a special friend?" she persisted.

"Don't worry about it," Wesley repeated.

Christie looked over his shoulder. Wesley shifted his weight so his back was to her. Christie kept touching her back where Kip's arm had been the previous day. Wesley had asked her if she was alright earlier but she shrugged off his concern. 

Kip and Marc were seated behind the two of them, Kip was occupying his time by kicking Christie's seat. Wes turned around and hit his leg attempting to stop him. Kip looked out of the window as if he hadn't done anything. When Wesley wasn't looking he reached out and caressed Christie's neck. She recoiled and put a hand over the spot he'd touched.

"Christie did you want to swap seats?" Wesley whispered.

Christie nodded, sliding out of her seat, narrowly missing bumping into Wesley, as she grabbed the cold metal pole to keep her upright as Wesley moved over to the window seat. 

"It's just a joke, isn't it Christie? Stay out of it you dag," Kip said.

"Did you just call me a..." Wesley said.

"No but it rhymes, doesn't it," Kip said with a smirk, running a hand through his styled hair. 

Christie shuddered. "Don't touch me," she said, through clenched teeth.

Wesley's face was red, people had mentioned the harm that Kip had inflicted on Christie, but Wes had never thought it would be that bad. The turmoil that Kip had caused him seemed to be second to none but obviously he was wrong as he watched Christie fidget for twenty minutes until the bus pulled up at the local theatre.

Christie waited for everyone to leave before leaving with Wesley who waited for her.

"Are you going to be alright?" Wesley asked.

"I'll be fine," Christie said softly.

"Kip's an ass, a sexist, racist, homophobic ass but if anyone can put up with him, it's you."

Christie didn't believe him. The sentiment was nice but she knew he was about to give up, just like she had. Readjusting her bag straps so her bag hung below her waist she walked onwards.

Twenty students began to push and jostled each other to get out of the heat and into the air conditioned rooms.


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