3rd trip to the counsellor

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Halfway through Year 9

Christie walked into the counsellor's office and sat in the plush red chair. She took in her surroundings, two windows and a balcony, the walls were covered in diplomas, the computer was stacked high with paper (like hers) and had a computer in the middle. There were an assortment of toys from soft bunny rabbits to rubik's cubes in a milk crate.

"How are you Christina?" the counsellor asked. "Have you had a good week?"

"Fine thank you," Christie said.

"First time counselling session are always a little awkward so why don't we get to know each other. What do you like to do outside of school?" he said.

"I like reading and I play netball. Now let's talk about your failed law degree were you a drop out or did you fail? You only have your second year diploma up."

"Christina we are here to talk about you. Tell me about your school."

"I hate it. Is that a condom wrapper in the bin? Is that why your belt is unbuckled? Are you having affairs with your patients?"

"Christina please stop avoiding my questions I understand this is hard for you and you don't want to answer and you don't have to." It didn't stop him from buckling up his belt.

"How long have you been a member of a crime ring? Wearing that ring with the emblem only proves it and crime rings have been on the rise lately."

"I am not a part of a crime ring," he said slowly.

"You're speaking slower, you're lying."

"I'm not a part of a crime ring," he said quickly, his voice raising.

"Saying it quicker doesn't help. Oh look you didn't empty the bin, is that someone's underwear. You're sick. Don't bother calling my parents about my behaviour you'll get your one hundred dollars via electronic transfer."

With that Christie stood up and wrenched the door open and slammed it shut.

A/N: Because I felt like writing today here you go. Thanks for reading :)

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