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It hit midnight and Christie continued to stare at her phone screen counting the messages she had sent to Marc. Exactly seventy-five over the last three hours. The clock clicked over to one past twelve it had been exactly one hundred and ninety minutes since the last text from him.

For a boy who always had his phone on his person, normally responding within three minutes, anyone could tell something wasn't right. Christie fidgeted as she turned her phone off and on again hoping it was a phone glitch.

Pacing thirty-five times up and down her room she texted Tegan and Delilah ten times. They didn't reply either.

It was time for desperate measures.

Her parents were asleep, Brielle was out, if she was quiet she wouldn't get caught. She tied the laces of her boots up five times before cutting the old flyscreen (which her father had kept promising to replace) and climbing out of it, catching her leg but managing to pull it out of the small space between the open window and the window sill.

Checking out the wound she shrugged before tiptoeing across the lawn, before braking into a run and refusing to stop until she reached the Baxter's.

Knocking on Tegan's window she peered in, seeing that her phone was on her bedside table and Tegan was fast asleep even more desperate measures needed to be taken. Christie put her hand under the small crack under the window and yanked it open slightly. Tegan rolled over in her sleep, murmuring. As the gap widened Christie yanked the window open and shimmied through it, kicking out her legs for momentum.

Eventually she made her way through and climbed onto Tegan's bed, climbing over her in an attempt to get to ground. Tegan rolled back around, her eyes snapping open.

"Winnie get off me," she muttered, pushing Christie off the bed.

Christie fell onto the floor or rather a human shaped lump. They awoke with a jolt. Christie heard them inhale and she quickly clamped a hand over their mouth.

"It's me, Christie. We need to go save Marc's ass." She removed her hand from the stranger's mouth. "Also who is this?"

"It's my cousin Winnie," Tegan said, yawning. "Winnie this is my crazy friend, Christina Alenka Claythorne."

"Don't you use my middle name Tegan Eloise Baxter," Christie hissed. "Marc isn't replying to any of my texts and he always does. We need to get Della she knows where he is."

"Couldn't you climb into her window?" Tegan said.

"Like me she can't drive, so we need you," Christie said.

"Alright let's go. Winnie if my parents ask I'm with Roland," Tegan said as she stepped over her cousin and headed to her closet.

"No, I'm coming with you. I know three types of martial arts and I'm kickboxer I'm the brute strength to your brains and accessory. If you guys get caught you can't fight back, I can," Winnie said sluggishly as she climbed out of her sheets.

Winnie knelt down and extracted a black shirt and tights from a canvas bag and looked over her shoulder at Tegan and Christie who quickly covered their eyes so she could change. She tied her frizzy brown hair back and tied the laces of her sneakers up.

"Tegan you're driving, Christina you call Delilah, now be quiet," Winnie said.

Winnie was the first of the three to creep out of the bedroom and across the foyer table where she grabbed Trent Baxter's keys, placing a clammy hand over them to stop the noise.

The three of them crept across the carpeted floor. Winnie handed the keys to her cousin as they walked out of the front door.

Tegan and Christie sat in the old leather seats of the front half while Winnie slipped into the backseat.

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