Ch# 3 - Our Season

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Over the next few weeks, Hanbin and Minnie spent a lot of time together, working on assignments and hanging out. They often grabbed coffee after classes, explored the campus, and even attended a few art exhibitions together. Their bond grew stronger, and they enjoyed each other's company. Ricky had been busy with his own schedule, but Gyuvin made sure to keep him updated on everything, from their university antics to Hanbin's growing closeness with Minnie.

Matthew, Taerae, Gyuvin, and Gunwook continued their usual routine at their respective universities, hanging out frequently, with or without Hanbin. However, Matthew started to seem a bit more withdrawn, his usual cheerful demeanor dimming. His friends noticed his low spirits and grew concerned, often trying to cheer him up with little success.


One Saturday morning, Hanbin was jolted awake by the persistent ringing of his phone. Groggily, he glanced at the caller ID. It was Ricky.

With a sigh, he answered, his voice still thick with sleep. "Hey, Ricky... What's up?"

"Hanbin! Why the hell didn't you tell me about Minnie?" Ricky's stern voice came through the phone.

"What are you talking about?" Hanbin yawned. "And why are you calling me so early on a weekend?"

Ricky huffed. "Early? It's almost noon. And don't dodge the question. Why didn't you tell me you've been spending all your time with her? I had to find out from Gyuvin that you've practically adopted her as your shadow."

"Ricky, Minnie is just a friend," Hanbin mumbled, trying to wake up. "Why are you making such a big deal out of this?"

"Because you never tell me anything!" Ricky bickered. "I have to find out from Gyuvin's random texts."

Hanbin rubbed his eyes, feeling a headache coming on. "Ricky, she's just a friend. We hang out, do assignments together—"

"And you didn't think to mention any of this to your best friend?" Ricky interrupted.

Hanbin sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Look, I'll explain everything in detail, okay? Let's do a video call later when I'm more awake. I need to get some more sleep."

Ricky grumbled but agreed. "Fine. But you better not forget."

"I won't," Hanbin promised, ending the call and falling back into his pillow.

Just as Hanbin was drifting back to sleep, he heard a loud knock on his door. Annoyed, he dragged himself out of bed and opened the door to find Gunwook, Gyuvin, Taerae, and Matthew casually strolling in like they owned the place.

Matthew greeted him with his usual cute smile. "Morning, Hanbin hyung!"

Despite his annoyance, Hanbin couldn't help but smile back. "Morning, Matthew. What are you guys doing here so early on a weekend?"

Gyuvin rolled his eyes. "It's literally noon, and you're still asleep, Lazy. Why the hell are you still in bed?"

Hanbin rubbed his face. "Because it's the weekend..."

They ignored him and started creating a mess, rifling through his kitchen and living room.

Gunwook called out, rummaging through Hanbin's fridge, "Where's your coffee? We need coffee."

Taerae, already lounging on the couch, chimed in, "And snacks! You gotta have snacks."

Hanbin sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "You guys are unbelievable. Help yourselves. Coffee's in the cupboard, snacks are in that drawer."

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