~ You had me at 'HELLO' ~

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The luxurious Zerose Cafe was bustling with life as the evening crowd filled every available seat. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mixed with the sweet scent of pastries, creating an atmosphere that was both warm and intoxicating. The staff moved quickly behind the counter, their focus entirely on completing orders without even a moment to look up. Hanbin, wearing a cap pulled low over his eyes, was in the middle of his shift, completely immersed in his work. His hands moved with practiced ease as he prepared drinks and handed them off to waiting customers, his mind on autopilot as he lost himself in the rhythm of his tasks.

The door to the cafe swung open, and a gust of cool evening air swept in along with the chatter of two young men. Zhang Hao and Jiwoong entered, their bickering cutting through the ambient noise of the cafe.

"You just got back from China, Zhang Hao. You should be at home resting, not dragging me out here," Jiwoong grumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets as he glanced around the crowded cafe.

Zhang Hao rolled his eyes, his lips curling into a smirk. "I am here to relax, Jiwoong. This place looks cozy enough, don't you think?"

Jiwoong raised an eyebrow at the noise and the people filling every corner. "Cozy? Sure, if you're into chaos."

Zhang Hao chuckled, nudging Jiwoong's arm as they made their way to the line. "Stop being such a grouch. Besides, Minnie's friends are coming over to my place for her birthday soon. I need a break before that circus begins."

Jiwoong smirked, scrolling through his phone as they moved closer to the counter. "Speaking of Minnie's friends, you better behave yourself this time. Don't do anything stupid, okay?"

Zhang Hao scoffed, giving Jiwoong a playful shove. "Please, when have I ever done anything stupid?"

Jiwoong shot him a knowing look. "Do you really want me to list all the times?"

Zhang Hao opened his mouth to retort, but they reached the counter before he could get a word out. Jiwoong was still scrolling through his phone, barely paying attention to his surroundings, while Zhang Hao's eyes roamed over the menu displayed on the wall.

Just as he was about to decide, a soft voice broke through the buzz of the cafe. "Hello, may I take your order, please?"

Zhang Hao's heart nearly jumped out of his chest at the sound of the voice. He froze, his eyes widening as he slowly turned his gaze toward the source. There was something about the way those words were spoken—calm, gentle, yet so professional—that sent a shiver down his spine. His heart began pounding, each beat louder than the last, drowning out the noise of the cafe around him. His breath hitched as he tried to process the sudden rush of emotions flooding through him.

For a moment, everything else faded away. The cafe, the customers, even Jiwoong standing next to him—it all blurred into the background. All he could focus on was the barista, who hadn't even bothered to look up from his work. The cap hid most of his face, but Zhang Hao could see a hint of a frown on the barista's lips as he concentrated on the orders in front of him. Zhang Hao's chest tightened as he realized, in that split second, that he was staring at someone who had just, unknowingly, captured his heart.

Jiwoong, noticing Zhang Hao's silence, glanced up from his phone and nudged him hard enough to snap him out of his daze. "Hey! Stop spacing out!" Jiwoong hissed, giving Zhang Hao a little push to the side before stepping up to the counter himself. "I'll have a black coffee, and for this idiot here..." Jiwoong shot Zhang Hao an exasperated look before continuing, "make that two black coffees."

Zhang Hao barely registered Jiwoong's words. He was too busy watching the barista—Hanbin, as his name tag read—move around behind the counter, the way his hands skillfully maneuvered the coffee machine, the way his eyes remained focused on his work, never once looking up. It was mesmerizing, like watching a dance that only he could see.

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