Ch# 5 - Always

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Hanbin spent the next few weeks trying to focus on his new relationship with Minnie. They went on dates, laughed together, and shared moments that should have been perfect. But every time Hanbin was with her, his mind wandered. He couldn't help it. No matter how hard he tried, a certain someone kept creeping into his thoughts.

It didn't help that his friends were fully supportive of his relationship with Minnie. They constantly teased him and gave him cheesy ideas for date nights. Taerae had laughed, suggesting, "Take her to the aquarium, man. Girls love fish." Meanwhile, Gunwook, with a playful grin, added, "Nah, take her to a horror movie. She'll cling to you for dear life." Hanbin chuckled along with them, but he still couldn't shake off the distraction in his mind.

Jiwoong, on the other hand, kept a close eye on Hao, making sure that Hanbin and Hao didn't cross paths. He felt responsible for ensuring that things stayed smooth between Hanbin and Minnie, considering the chemistry he noticed between Hanbin and his best friend. Whenever Hao would casually suggest going to the cafeteria where Hanbin might be, Jiwoong found a way to change the plan.

"Hey, let's go to our own cafe today, man. I heard they have a new drink menu," Jiwoong would say, steering Hao in the opposite direction. Hao didn't seem to mind too much, but Jiwoong could tell he was curious about Hanbin.

Despite Jiwoong's efforts, Hanbin often found himself looking around, hoping to catch a glimpse of Zhang Hao. At times, he even made up excuses to visit the music department, hoping to see Hao. He had started growing closer to Jay and Kamden, who were part of the music department, using their meetups as a cover for his intentions.


One day, as Hanbin sat in a crowded cafeteria, he found himself looking around as if searching for someone. His eyes scanned each table, hoping for a glimpse of Zhang Hao. He cursed under his breath, frustrated with himself.

"What the hell are you doing, Hanbin?" he muttered quietly, stabbing his fork into a piece of chicken. "Get it together, man."

One afternoon, after a particularly dull class, Hanbin found himself wandering toward the music department again. His thoughts were a mess of frustration and confusion. "Why the hell am I doing this? Why do I wanna see him so badly?" He kept asking himself these questions, feeling like an idiot.

"Hanbin!" Minnie's voice snapped him out of his thoughts, startling him.

He turned around to see Minnie walking toward him with a cheerful smile. "Oh, hey, Minnie," Hanbin said, trying to sound casual, though he could feel his heart racing a little.

"Where are you headed?" she asked, her eyes bright with curiosity.

"Uh, the music department," Hanbin blurted out before he could stop himself.

Minnie tilted her head, confused. "The music department? Why?"

Hanbin scrambled for an excuse, his mind racing. "Oh, uh, Jay asked me to teach him some tutting moves," he said quickly.

Minnie seemed a little puzzled but nodded. "Oh, okay. That sounds fun. Let's go together then!"

Hanbin's heart skipped a beat, panic rising. "No!" he said a bit too urgently, then softened his voice. "I mean, um, maybe not right now. I was thinking we could, uh, hang out together instead. Just us."

Minnie blushed slightly, her cheeks turning a soft pink. "Oh, okay. Yeah, sure."

Hanbin sighed inwardly with relief and took her hand, leading her away from the music department. As they walked, he cursed himself silently. "Get it together, Hanbin. Stop being such a dumbass."

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