Ch# 16 - Feel the POP

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After the exhilarating quad ride, the group finally arrived back at the farmhouse. The night had settled in, bringing with it a calm, almost serene atmosphere that contrasted sharply with the chaotic excitement of the day. The farmhouse was quiet, illuminated only by the soft glow of the lights outside.

One by one, they began to make their way inside, their bodies tired but their spirits still buzzing with energy. The first thing they did was wash their faces, the cool water refreshing against their warm skin.

Inside, a small light flickered on as Jiwoong and Matthew entered, grabbing a couple of towels from a shelf. "Damn, I need to wash off all this dust," Matthew muttered, running a hand through his hair and shaking his head slightly.

"Same here," Jiwoong agreed, rubbing the back of his neck. He shot Matthew a sideways glance, noticing how the day had left him looking a bit more rugged, a bit more... something. He quickly looked away before his thoughts could linger too long, focusing on washing his face instead.

Outside, Ricky found himself wandering over to the old playground area at the edge of the yard, the metal swing set creaking softly as he sat down. He began to swing lightly, his movements barely causing the swing to sway. His mind, however, was racing. Thoughts of Gyuvin swirled around in his head, the confusion, the tension, the unspoken words—they all pressed down on him, making his heart beat faster. He couldn't help it—Gyuvin had been on his mind all day.

Not far away, Yujin sat on a lounge chair, his fingers scrolling through his phone. The screen flickered as he edited videos and pictures they'd taken throughout the day, his expression a mix of focus and satisfaction. He was focused, his brow furrowed slightly as he edited, occasionally pausing to chuckle at a particularly funny shot. He'd always had a knack for capturing the right moments, but tonight, his mind kept drifting back to the way everyone had seemed... off. He could sense the tension, even if no one was talking about it.

By the pool, Hanbin and Minnie had settled on the stairs, their feet dipped into the cool water. Hanbin was showing Minnie some of the pictures he'd taken, both of them laughing at some of the sillier shots. "Look at this one," Hanbin said, chuckling as he zoomed in on a picture where Taerae had been caught mid-jump, his face frozen in a mix of fear and excitement.

"Oh my god," Minnie laughed, leaning closer to get a better look. "He looks like he's about to shit himself!"

Hanbin snorted, trying not to laugh too loud, "That's exactly what I was thinking!"

"Look at this one," Hanbin said, his voice filled with amusement as he tilted the phone toward Minnie. The photo showed Jiwoong in mid-laugh, a rare, unguarded moment captured perfectly.

Minnie chuckled, her fingers lightly brushing against Hanbin's as she reached to swipe through the pictures. "He looks so different when he's not trying to be all serious and cool. I love it."

Hanbin nodded, his smile softening as he looked at the picture. "Yeah... it's nice to see him like this."

Their laughter echoed softly in the night, a stark contrast to the quiet tension hovering in the air elsewhere. Zhang Hao sat on the steps outside the farmhouse, his eyes lingering on Hanbin and Minnie. His heart ached at the sight of them together, so happy, so at ease. The way Hanbin looked at Minnie—so gentle, so genuine—it tore at him. He wanted to be happy for his sister, but something about it just didn't sit right with him. Maybe it was the ease with which Hanbin could make her laugh, the comfort they seemed to find in each other. He sighed softly, running a hand through his hair.

Just then, Matthew suddenly appeared beside him, dropping down onto the step with a small huff. "Hey," he said quietly, his voice tinged with concern. "You okay?"

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