Aa people,
Yes please do not "overlook" this title. Lol. Okay anyways.. the video above is not exactly what I mean but its kinda true. We often "overlook" that ayah so we overlook our deeds..anyways this reminded me of that so yeah. Native deen.
So what I actually mean is somethings in our deen (faith/lifestyle) are "overlooked".
And what I mean by that is our words. Basic words in Islam we don't truly understand. Especially since we do not know Arabic or when we don't take learning Arabic to understand Quran sincerely.
صلاة "Prayer"
It's just one of those words in Arabic that could not be truly put in one word in the English language. But its most preferred to use the word "worship". Because "prayer is more like a simple I want this and that, thanks.
Worship however when we say Salaah we are truly prostrating to our Lord. We praise Him, we thank Him, we seek protection, we ask for forgiveness from Hik. It's the most direct "link" to our Lord.
We are communicating with our Lord so it's more than prayer. We do actions of worship and the main one is Sajdah, or the bowing from the head to the ground. Which is really worshipping thats the main reason."Allah" الله
This is our Lord, our God, Creator. There are 99 names which are His attributes.
The interesting thing about the word "Allah" in Arabic is this word can not be used in plural. Like grammatically you just can't.
But when you have the word "God" in English there can be "god" (lowercase) and "God(s)", S added plural. "God(ess) or Godesses" , so interestingly even the word God is not exactly the exact meaning. Although in Christianity and Judaism, this is the same God, but has a different name.
Does this make sense? Well, take it or leave it.
Another word is
Most often people say 'read'. But this is not the correct meaning. Before it used to when people used to 'read' poetry they used to recite. But now it's different. But this word is reading aloud, reciting with feelings and understanding. Mainly when you practice the Quran you need to not "read" but recite. It was meant to be heard, said aloud and thought upon.حياء.
This is the manners of our religion. Having haya, which is more than modesty. It translates more into lowering our gaze, having humbleness and humility.Jazak Allah for reading I just wanted to point out these couple words. I'm sure there is more and things I don't know so comment for some words that should be reflected and its better meaning. Arabic can't perfectly be translated to English subhanAllah.
May Allah guid us and bless us with the knowledge of our deen and understanding Arabic.
One Ummah
SpiritualThis is my thoughts and feelings about the different sects, and also modern muslim topics that I want to address, based on facts, quran, hadiths, and knowledgeable scholars. NOT FIQH May Allah guide us all.