Other Sects

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Ok, so you're a true muslim. You call yourself a muslim no doubt. But of course people go a step further to say "Are you Sunni/Shia/Salafi?" 

Pretty annoying now. 

I can say that you must first admit that the Quran is word of God. If you're muslim you should firmly believe it, therefore you firmly follow it. 

If you don't then already your out. I mean you have to agree to this (Surat-ul-Ikhlaas) , it's going against you shahadah, whether your a good muslim or not. 

So one day I was talking to my dad something about Sunnah prayers (technically it's worship). And we were kind of you know not really arguing but you know having some difference. And he said something like "No you have to follow Hunnafi" 

I didn't really say anything after that but it annoyed me. 

You know people like; Hannafi, Shafi', Maliki and etc. They were good scholors (may Allah bless them Jannah) and you know they had different opinions. 

This you must always refer to quran and sunnah no matter what. NO MATTER what kind of muslim you are. If you don't then I honestly don't know what you are. 

So I don't like this idea of people taking scholars and only following them, classifying as their I don't know, category. 

They were great scholars and I doubt they want to be used as classification. 

So anyway what I'm trying to say is 

You want to be a good muslim then just stick with sunnah and Quran. I don't know if certain believe and this and leave that out and etc. 

But just stick with quran and sunnah. 

So lets say you have a minor question then ask scholars for their different opinions and you can decide which would be the best way according to the sunnah and quran. 

Because our prophet sure wasn't sunni or shia or etc, etc. 

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