Fake Faces

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Idk about you guys, but Islam is pretty much right when it comes to those back-stabbers and hypocrites.

In fact hypocrites are mentioned a lot in the quran examples especially during the prophet's time like Surat-ul-Munafiqoon Chapter 63 (I recommend just going over to read it cuz there's a lot about hypocrites) ,

Today I'm gonna talk about modern-day that's right 2-faced people based on the Quran.

Which everyone just loves talking about punching their faces. Ironic really a person who back stabs you, you end up backbiting about that person later.

I have this really close sister, and she knows about everyone pretty much. And pretty much when she tells me about what they say to her, makes them less in my scale.

If anyone , ANYone backbites to u, dont be surprised if they've been talking about you behind your back.

And unfortunately I have some "friends" who have faked and backbit about me before.

These types of people are so not trusted. No matter how many stupid promises they make (in the quran says about how they break promises).

They cause corruption, they are heedless, and they are most certainly not to be trusted, even by their own back biter friends.

Disgusting, we should all know the hadith where the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said basically back biting is literally back biting, it's like eating the raw flesh of that person....

Yet why do we still back bite? Because its fun! Yes for all the ladies, I'm pretty sure guys do it too.

Its really sad. Now days people realized back biting (nameemah) is bad so unless you say it to their face.

I hate it when people backbite and then say well I actually did/could told/tell him/her. That still doesn't count!!! You're still spreading it!!! The whole point is to NOT spread it with other people so don't try to flipping justify your sins what you're doing is still bad.

Now lets take a moment to look at ourselves, cuz even I can be worse than others. But come to realize do you actually backbite? Yes.

Come on, we've all done it before.

Now I'm not writing this thing cuz I feel mad tht they did, I mean come on I shouldn't be surprised considering they hid things from other people too.

But I'm trying to tell you guys , of course I don't know any better just advising

The only thing we can do is:

1.Sincere repentance from Allah

2.NEVER do it again to anyone. (This one is the big one like the one hardest to keep).

3. Make dua and/or speak good about that person when she/he aren't around.

So ya. Back biting is pretty bad everyone knows, and you must have a lot of time to

1.care so much about that person

2.have no life

3. Judging, again this person may be better than you.

So there's a lot you can go off of. I mean come on we all hate people but that's the test, we shouldn't go backbite about it, even if you do tell him/her you're not making life any easier.

So everything we do is for the sake of Allah, so forget about those stupid, fake people in life and remember and care about the ones who truly love you. Cuz this life is so short to be talking about others (austaghfirallah) than to be criquing ourselves.

May Allah guide us all.

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