Beauty of Free Will

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Aa, (Asalamu Alaykum or peace be unto you :) ) people, it's been quite a while, indeed. And Ramadan Kareem to everyone. 

So lately of been intrigued in the free will. My questions for Islam would be about the free will. Alhamdulilah ( praise be to God) I do not have any doubts. 

The concept of free will is one of the common questions among non-muslims and muslims as well.  If we look at the free will in Islam, to understand it  clearly we go to when Allah, created the heavens and earth. And He had the jinn present, living on earth. They had the free will. Allah created angels and jinns. Angels have free will and jinns don't. Of course most of you know. 

Allah says in the quran in chapter 2 verse 30: 

" 'Verily I am going to place mankind generations after generations on earth.' They (the angels) said, 'Will you place therein those who will make mischief therein and shed blood, while we glorify You with praises and thanks and sanctify You.' Allah said ' I know that which you do not know'. "

The angels immediately assumed that the humans would shed blood and corruption based on the jinns who had free will and lived on earth. 

Now before all this happened, Allah took an oath from all human beings when He created our souls. 

 "And [mention] when your Lord took from the children of Adam - from their loins - their descendants and made them testify of themselves, [saying to them], "Am I not your Lord?" They said, "Yes, we have testified." [This] - lest you should say on the day of Resurrection, "Indeed, we were of this unaware." " [Surah A'raf, 7:172]

In surat-ul- Ahzab chapter 33 verse 72, Allah says: 

"We did indeed offer the Trust to the Heavens and the Earth and the Mountains: but they refused to undertake it, being afraid thereof: but man undertook it― he was indeed unjust and foolish."

In surat-ul- Hashr chapter 59 verse 21, Allah says: 

"Had We sent down this Qur'an on a mountain, verily, thou would have seen it humble itself and shatter down (cleave asunder) for fear of Allah, such are the similitudes which We propound to men, that they may reflect."

Allah is saying you and I are fools. Why? Because Allah had asked the mountains and they refused, and we wanted to have the position that we could be better than angels. what is a better creation, worshipping out of free will or already a perfect creation who has no free will? So if you are a human being you could  be superior to the angels- or inferior. 

Had the quran been revealed to the mountain the mountain would've collapsed. And Allah gave the quran to us. 

But- no one remembers that. No one remembers being asked. Not me. 

After this happens Allah wipes the memory away. Because it wouldn't be a test for us if we remember.

Allah says in the quran on the day of judgement no one will object to God's judgement, instead they'll just say give me one more chance. But Allah gives us chances in this world. Already if we make a mistake, we repent and forgives, numerous of times. 

Interestingly, if Allah didn't say this quran and if this didn't happen then on the day of judgement we could ask Allah why did you make me a human being, then God would have been at fault. But Allah says in the quran that He asked us, and we wanted to. Allah gave us the option, the fault is upon us. 

SubhanAllah. Yes if you watched the video, there's not anything new here. 

The free will seems like an unfair thing. But it's very logical...if that makes sense. 

The test of this world, the pain of this world for having this free will is like someone saying, you'll be in pain for 2 seconds but then afterwards you will have whatever you want, valleys of gold, luxurious food, and no more anything but you have to bear 2 seconds. Then the immediate answer would be yes. 

Similarly, the human lifespan is about 50-60 years. If you compare that to a whole eternity, forever. Then, see that's how Allah is telling us. 

May Allah guide us to the right path and higher our imaan. Taking us to firdous al-Alaa and clearing our doubts inshAllah. 

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