lucy chen

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tw: domestic violence and self harm

i've notice harper,lopez and bradford have been acting weird around me, i'm not sure what's going on but something is definitely up i thought to myself. "hey jackson, what's up with them?" i said to him "um not sure they seem normal" he said, i gave him a look and walked away. i saw john coming up to me i tried walking away and he grabs my wrist i pulled away fast before he could see anything "what." i said "luce i'm worried about you." he said "don't call me that." i said "okay i'm sorry but what's going on? in general and with us?" he added "what? no im not having this conversation with you." i walked away.

tim bradford

"what do you think that was about?" harper said, "no clue" lopez added, "i don't know either, she looks pissed" i said. "i'll see if i can try to ask her but last time i did that she was pissed." i added "ha good luck" harper said. i gave her a funny looked as we walked into roll call

lucy chen
i was sitting in the shop waiting for tim to get in, i pulled up my sleeves looking at my arm and the bruises that cody left, i wanted to scream and cry but i couldn't tim would say something and i don't need anyone saying anything. the shops door open i pulled my sleeve down fast, "we got a drug bust, you ready?" tim said "yup let's go" i said, we were speeding over there i was alone in my thoughts thinking about cody and what i can do to fight back without him killing me.

we arrived on scene getting ready to bust in i see cody's car, "shit" i said "what boot?" tim said, not realizing i said that out loud "nothing it's not important" i said, he gave me a look i walked away getting ready to bust in. we busted in i see cody also immediately he tried running, "boot go get him!" tim yelled, i ran after him. "lucy what are you doing?" he whispered after i got him "i can't let you go ill get in trouble! plus what are you doing here?!" i said, "i'm trying to make money" cody said "this isn't a good way to make it babe." i said "well do you want me to help out or no?" he said. i stayed silent, "baby let me go i can't get a drug charge." he said "i can't do that.." i said, "i have an idea" he said "what is-" i couldn't finish my sentence when he punch me and shoved me to the ground and he ran. i just laid there on the ground wanting to cry then i heard tim coming i got up quick. "where is he chen?" tim said, "i don't know he punched me then ran." i said, he looked at me "is your body cam on?" he asked "um no" i said, "i'll let that slide this time but make sure it's on so we can get that film." he said sounding kinda angry.


i get back to my apartment and i dont see cody's car. i head into the room looking in the mirror a black eye is forming, "shit." i said to myself my phone rings it's cody, "hello" i said "hey i'll be home soon can you make dinner?" he asked "yes, i'll start on it now." i replied "okay thanks babe love you." cody said "love you too." i hung up i stated crying, i need to leave, but this is my apartment i pay for it and he won't leave. i looked over onto the bed, a bra is laying on there i picked it up, this definitely isn't mine i'd never wear anything like this plus it's way to small for me, i walked out and put it on the counter and started on dinner, cody is back "hey baby" he said he came up and kissed me "i'm sorry i had to do that but i can't go to jail, i'll miss you too much" he said "i know, it's okay." i said he looked over on the counter "why is your bra on the counter?" he said i looked at him. "don't do this to me" i said "do what?" cody replied "that isn't mine." he looked at me with a weird expression, "yes it is." he said "cody please, that's not mine, so whose is it?" i yelled "don't fucking raise your voice at me" he said "i'm sorry but that's not mine whose is it?" i said "it's yours!" he yelled "no its no-" i didn't even finish my sentence when he started hitting me. "don't ever accuse me of that again." he walked out of the apartment and slammed the door, i fell to the floor crying, why me i said to myself i went to the bathroom and grabbed the blade, i started cutting this time on my arms but far enough so no one could see, watching the blood run down my arms, i did it again and again. i felt like i was going to pass out i crawled to the bathtub getting in and letting the water run. my arms and legs stung, i just sat there staring at the wall wondering when this would all end.


the next day i woke up earlier so i could put makeup over the bruising, i walked out of the room seeing cody passed out on the couch. i left quietly so
i would wake him, i got into my car and headed to the station, once i got there i heading to the locker room, making sure no one was near me i got change fast so they couldn't see the cuts. i walked out and headed to roll call. "so today we are starting fresh" grey said, i was staring off into space when john whispered "are you okay?" i didn't say anything. he grab my arm and i flinched because it hurt "what?" i said, he gave me a look "what? i'm fine, pay attention." i said he didn't say anything after that. harper and lopez came up to me after roll call. "hey lucy, what are you doing after shift?" they asked "um i don't know why?" i said "well do you want to go to the bar?" lopez asked i looked at them "what?" i said "do you want to go to the bar?" harper said "oh um i don't know, i'll let you know later." i said and walked off, i would love to go but i don't know how cody would feel, i guess i could text him.
lucy: hey, i was wondering if it would be okay if i could hangout with some friends after shift?

cody: are they girls or boys?

lucy: girls?

cody: yeah that's fine. don't let anyone hit on you

lucy: i won't


i get into the shop after loading the war bags, waiting on tim i check my makeup to make sure nothing is showing. he gets in "what are you doing?" he says "nothing sir." i said we drive off, we get a call "7-adam-19 there's be a noise complaint at 9980 parkway avenue." we drive over there and it starts raining, shit i thought to myself my makeup is going to come off it's coming down hard we arrive on scene, we get out of the shop i tried cover my face but it doesn't work well we go up to the door and knock "LAPD open up." i said, nothing "LAPD open up" i said again they finally open "sir you need to turn the music down, your neighbors are complaining." i said "really? do i have too?" the man said "yes you do." i said "well i don't think that would be a problem for you is it?" he said, he is obviously flirting with me. "how about you come by after your shift, we would have fun." he said "sir turn the music down or you'll have a big fine which you most likely wouldn't be able to pay." tim said. "yes sir, i'll turn it down" the man replied, we head back to the shop and we are dripping wet. "let's head back to the station and change." tim said "you have your extra uniform right?" he added "i only have my short sleeve in my locker" i said "that's fine." tim said

we get back and i go to the locker room, i head straight to the mirror, fuck my makeup is coming off you could see the bruises. i grab my back looking for my makeup, i grab it and start to touch it up when lopez walks in. "got wet too?" she said "ha yeah." i said i finish my makeup and go to change forgetting about the cuts, she sees them on my arms "what's that" she said "what?" i said "on your arms what happened" she said, shit i thought to myself "oh i dropped a plate last night." i said, what a lame accuse. i finished getting dressed you could still see the cuts i looked through my bag for bandages i couldn't find anything so i just covered it with makeup the best i could it stung like crazy but it kinda worked, i started to walk out of the locker room but lopez stopped me "hey are you gonna come tonight?" she said "yup! i'll be there" i said and left. "jesus what took you so long" tim said "i'm
sorry, it won't happen again." i said we headed to the shop "what did you do to your arm?" tim said "what? i looked down noticing i forgot to cover some "oh i broke a plate last night and it got me" i said. "that looks deep you should get it checked out, let's go to the hospital." tim said "what no it's fine really i will later." i said "okay suit yourself" tim said.

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