tim bradford

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tw: self harm and ed

"hey tim, we need to talk" lopez said "about what?" i said following her into the break room. "it's chen." she said "what's wrong?" i said "so when i was in the locker room she was putting makeup on" lopez said "okay? what's bad about that?" i said "she was covering what looked like bruises, i think her boyfriend is doing that to her." lopez said, i looked at her in disbelief not knowing what to say "there's more.. her arms she said that it was from breaking a plate but that's not what it looks like." she said "yeah i noticed that too." i said, "harper and i are taking her out tonight, we will try to get information." lopez said.


"are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital, those look deep." i said, she looked at me "it's fine really, i just need to wrap it and it will be fine." chen said, sounding angry. "let's head to lunch." i said, we drive over to the food truck in silence, lucy looked scared but i wasn't sure what i could do. "here" i handed her some money, go pick me something good. "yes sir" she said, she ran over to the truck and order trying to stay dry by pulling her jacket over her head. "here you go, i hope you like tacos" she said, "thank you, and i do so good job." i said i looked at her noticing she didn't have any food "where's your lunch?" i said "oh i'm not hungry, plus i've had food here before and it's not good." she said, i could tell she was lying but i just let it go. i finished my lunch and we headed back to the streets. "7-adam-19 we have a possible under the influence driver last seen on montana street" we heard over the radio, chen turns on the lights and we head over to find the driver. we spot him, we start chasing him we won't pull over he takes a turn too fast and rolls the car. we pull over and run to the car, chen gets there first she stops like she knows the suspect. "sir, hold still." she said, i walk up behind her and the suspect looks familiar but i can't figure it out. the ambulance arrives, they get him on the gurney and we get his blood so we can prove he was under the influence. he grabs lucy's arm and whispers sometime. i ran his plates while i was waiting for her, it was cody, her boyfriend. "what was that about?" i said "what?" chen replied, "that's your boyfriend is it not?" i said, "oh yeah.. it is" she said, "can i ask you something?" i said, "sure" lucy replied "are you staying in this relationship because you feel bad for him?" i said, lucy looked at me and didn't say anything "no it's because i'm scared to leave him." she said, "i haven't told anyone that but i'm terrified of what will happen if i do." she added "really?" i said "does he hurt you?" i said, "what? no he wouldn't do that, why would you say that" she said "you said you were terrified of what would happen if you did leave him." i said, she didn't say anything. "i'm scared of what he would do to himself." she said i didn't say anything


"hey tim! what are you doing tonight?" lopez asked "nothing why?" i replied "okay perfect you're coming with us!" harper said "what where?" i said "to the bar!!" lopez said. "just us three?" i said "no lucy is coming too." harper added, "okay fine i'll meet you guys there." i added. i get back to my place, i get changed

 i get back to my place, i get changed

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^what's he's wearing^


i walked into the bar looking for them i found angela  and nyla. "where's lucy?" i asked, "i think she's on her way." angela answered

^what lucy's wearing^

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^what lucy's wearing^

i looked up and saw lucy walking in, she looked amazing. nyla stood up and waved her over here she walked over and sat down. "drinks should be coming out soon, i ordered you vodka cranberry if that's okay" nyla said to lucy, "that's fine!" lucy replied "did you order anything for me" i said "yup we got your a whiskey neat" angela said we had a few drinks and we were dancing "ha oh wow look at the couple grinding against each other, like get a room!" nyla said, we looked over lucy stopped dead in her tracks. "what's wrong?" i said "nothing i need to go" lucy said grabbing her bag and she walked over there. "what the fuck cody?!" she yelled, "god if you're gonna do this how about you don't go to the bar that we go to together?!" lucy was yelling we could hear her from across the bar, they walked out together.

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