lucy chen

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tw: domestic violence,self harm, eating disorder
i wake up gasping for air, the last thing i remember was cody's hands wrapped around my neck. i look around seeing i'm in the hospital, i break down crying thinking i was going to die in that relationship. i didnt realize tim was in the room he comes over and holds me in his arms, he sits down on the bed and pulls me in closer. "why didn't you tell me or someone?" tim asked, "i don't know, i was just scared to say something." i said "hey, it's okay" he said "don't worry it about you're safe now" he added, still holding me in his arms. jackson and john walked in "hey lucy" jackson said, "come here guys" i said, holding out my arms and hugging them. "is it to early to say you're never allowed to date again" jackson said. "ha nope never will again." i said.

after the almost station came in to see me, it was just tim and i again, i was asleep but still kinda awake. the nurse walked in "so she is very now malnourished, do you have any idea when the last time she had a real meal?" the nurse said, shit i thought to myself "i have no idea.. i had a feeling she wasn't eating properly" tim said, "okay.. well we also found some pretty bad cuts on her arms and legs." the nurse said, "do you know if cody was doing that to her or if she's doing that to herself?" the nurse added "i don't know, but ive seen them before, our friends have also said something about it to me" he said. shit i thought to myself again, "okay i will be back later." the nurse said, "dinner will be served soon try to make sure she eats it" she added while leaving the room. i pretend to just wake up, "you just missed the nurse." tim said, "oh" i said "lucy.. when's the last time you ate?" tim said, "oh um-" i said "please tell me." tim said, i sighed "i don't know.." i said reluctantly. tim looked at me, "he said i didn't need to eat anything because i've gained to much weight." i said, "lucy.." he said coming up to me "i hope i'm not over stepping but you are beautiful just the way you were." he said, i smiled "how much time did he get?" i said, "i'm not sure the DEA is figuring that out." tim said, "they will be here tomorrow for picture evidence." tim added. "can i ask you something?" tim also said. "sure" i said, "those cuts on your legs and arms.. did he do that? or did you?" he said reluctantly. i didn't say anything, "lucy.. please tell me." tim said "he didn't do it." i said, "why did you do it." tim said. "i don't know" i said looking down at my hands "hey look at me.." tim said, tears start forming in my eyes, he sat down on the bed he pulled me closer i laid my head on his shoulder. "when you get discharged from here you aren't going home." tim said, "where am i supposed to go?" i said "you're going to stay with me" tim said. "are you sure? i don't want to be a bother." i said, "trust me you won't be." tim said, "you shouldn't be alone." tim said.

a few days later

tim opens the car door for me, we are at his place. he brings me to his room "wait what?" i said, "no i can't take your bedroom from you." i added "no you are taking it." tim said "are you sure?" i said, "yes i am" tim said. i sit down on the bed. "lucy?" tim said, "yes?" i said. "when i was in your apartment that night i saw letters on your dresser.." tim said. i looked over at him terrified. i knew what those were but i'm not sure if he did. "there was on for me." tim said "did you open it?" i said "yes." he said

to: tim
from: lucy

if you found this, i'm most likely dead. there's nothing you can do for me. i'm so sorry, make sure jackson is okay i didn't want to do that to him but i couldn't fight anymore. this last year and a half has been amazing but also terrible, i'm glad you were my training officer but you should know some things. i haven't talked to my parents for the last 2 years so i want you to contact them. tell them the bare minimum, they live here in LA so when they come have grey tell them the rest. but this letter isn't about them it's about you. since the day i met you sparks flew, when i looked back at you it felt like slow motion, we have been threw so much. so i think it's pretty obvious that things would happen being with each other for 12 hours a day, everyday sharing meals together. if you haven't figured it out yet, i have feelings for you. i'm sorry i'm just telling you now but i wasn't sure how you would feel. but i do love you, not just in a friend way but in something more.

i'm sorry, i love you.
- lucy
"did you really mean that? tim said, "yes.." i said, he gently put his hand on my chin and had me look at him. we were looking into each others eyes. the doorbell rang, still looking at each other. the doorbell rang again. he got up and went to the door. what was that i thought to myself, he came in with nyla and angela "hey, how are you doing?" angela asked "pretty good considering what happened" i said. "so what's up?" tim said, "we just wanted to check up on you and lucy" nyla said "well we are doing okay, i'm just getting her settled in." tim said, "okay, well we also brought food." angela said, we walked into the kitchen. it was pizza, tim grab plates and cups, he poured some drinks out for us. after a while they left and it was 10 pm i was getting ready for bed.

should i write in jackson's death? please let me know, just leave a comment. i hope y'all are enjoying, part 11 will be out tomorrow!

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