21. Wanna have Rameyon?

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Anaisha's pov

I lazily opened my eyes... when I felt a hand around me... causing me to look at my side where I found my annoyingly handsome husband sleeping while hugging me......... wait HANDSOME HUSBAND?! Anu what's wrong with you! I shook my head..

and picked my phone from the side table to see the time... and it was showing 2 in the morning... I yawned while keeping it back before pick up the glass of water.... but then I realized that it was empty...

So with a sign I tried to get out of the bed.... but he pulled me back and hugged me tighter making me gasp while he snuggled on my neck and said "where are you going Isha?"

to which I replied saying "to the kitchen... we don't have water" hearing this he sat on the bed with his eyes half closed and said "let's go"

as he said that I raised my eyebrows before saying "where?" then he opened his eyes and looked at me and said "to the kitchen" Hearing this I chuckled and said "you don't have to come with me... I can go alone"

then he climbed down the bed and held my hand before saying "I know you can but let me go with you" as he said that I smiled at him while standing up and interwined our fingers... and he took me with him

as we walked out of the room I asked him "we're going back tomorrow right?" to which he replied saying "yes.." hearing this I signed and said "I'm gonna miss this place"

he stopped walking and looked at me then removed a stand of hair from my face before saying "we can stay if you want" hearing this I smiled and said "but we both have work"

to which he replied saying "we can shift everything here" as he said that I chuckled and said "it's ok Raaj we can go now and come aback after few days" in return he smiled at me and said "as you wish Mrs. Nanda" saying this he started walking towards the kitchen taking me along with him...

then as we were about to enter the kitchen... I suddenly felt his grip on my hand tighten making me confused so I asked him "what's wrong?"

Abhiraaj's pov

as we were entering the kitchen I felt someone watching us and subconciously my grip on her hand increased.... while I started looking around but there was no one

then she said "what's wrong?" causing me to look at her.... and seeing her confused face I shook my head and said "nothing" and saying this I took her inside the kitchen

as we entered she sat on the kitchen counter and started peaking inside the cabinates while I was pouring water for us... then I asked "what?" while handing her the glass

she took the glass and gulped the water before saying "Do you wanna have Rameyon?" hearing this my eyes widen slightly and a smirk came across my face..

and seeing my expressions she forwned but when realisation hit her she said "I didn't mean it in that way! I was talking about instant noodles!" seeing her panicked state my smirk grew wider as I said "I was thinking about instant noodles only... what did you thought biwi ji?"

as I said that she looked away and said "I...umm..I" hearing this I chuckled while shaking my head and said "which Rameyon?"

hearing this she looked at me and said "you're making it?" to which I replied saying "yes Isha now tell me which one" as I said that her face lit up and she said "shin!"


"here is your Rameyon Mrs.Nanda" I said while placing the bowl infront of her... seeing this she smiled widely and was about to pick the bowl but I stopped her saying "wait! it's hot"

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