10. He is back

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Anaisha's pov

The ride back home was silent as non of us uttered a word and I'm thankfully for that because after the incident that happened few minutes ago..... it's awkward to even start a conversation especially when my hormones are messing with me

I can feel his intense glance on me from time to time... but I just ignored it and closed my eyes while resting my head hoping that the cold wind will calm the chaos inside me...

Soon he stopped the car indicating that we have reached... opening my eyes I came out of the car and he too stepped out and made his way towards me and opened the door of backseat for me to take the bags

As I took the bags he closed the door and stood infront of me and then I passed him 2 bags.....he was quite suprised at first but took the bags anyways and looked at me confusingly

Noticing his confusion I said "I saw that you wear Kara so I bought one for you as I think it'll look good with the outfit and I also bought a watch" hearing me his expression changed and it was quite unreadable

then he started to speak "thanks" he said to which I hummed and was about to leave but he again opened his mouth to say something but then closed it...so I was about to ask him...what he wanna say

But before I can ask him that my phone ringed looking at the caller ID I picked up the call as it was tara and after that as I kept the phone near my ear I heard a sweet melodious voice "Hello mimi"

It was my saavu hearing her voice a smile came on my face and I said "Hello baby" and while talking with her I made my way towards the house completely forgetting about Abhiraaj

Abhiraaj's pov

While driving I was checking on her to make sure she was comfortable because I think after the earlier incident I made her feel uncomfortable.... and I myself don't know why I did that..

After reaching her house I was about to open the door for her but before I could do that she did it herself so I opened the door of backseat instead... for her to take the bags

And I thought she'll leave after taking them but instead she stopped infront of me and gave me 2 bags
I was taken aback but I took it from her hand and sensing my confused she started to speak and after hearing the reason I was quite shock

She bought a kara for me..... only my family knows how much I love them and she bought it for me..so I thanked her not knowing what else to say

Then I opened my mouth to apologise for my behavior but closed it as nothing came out of my mouth then her phone ringed and after looking at the screen she picked it up immediately

I wasn't able to hear what the person in the phone was saying but whatever it was it made her smile widely...I have never seen her smile like this before not even when she eats her food

Then she called the person baby....Wait WHAT SHE CALLED THAT PERSON BABY ?? Well who cares...then I was about leave after bidding her goodbye but before I can do that she left while talking on the phone as if she forgot about my whole existence....

I scoffed and started the car then drove away

Author's pov

Abhiraaj was driving but he wasn't able to focus on the road as his mind was in a Chaos.....then he suddenly stopped the car causing his body to jerk forward then he asked himself " who is this baby!" Then hearing himself he again said "wait why do I care?"

Saying this he Kept his head in the steering wheel exhaling loudly then again jerked his head up and said "I do care! According to the contract both party should respect this marriage and if she already have a boyfriend then she is disrespecting this marriage!"

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