Chapter 2

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After the lecture, Wooyoung and Yeosang met up with their friends, Seonghwa and Yunho. It was almost time for lunch and everyone was getting hungry. Wooyoung and Yunho argued about where to go but in the end they decided to go to a barbecue place.

The group made their way to the restaurant they had agreed to have lunch at. Seonghwa and Yunho were yapping on about how annoying their teacher was but Wooyoung was tuning them out. He wasn't doing it on purpose, he just couldn't stop thinking about the guy in the hoodie.

Woo was determined to find out who this guy was. In his mind he was figuring out how to confront the man, the incident may have seemed small but it annoyed woo to the core.

Not only had the man knocked him over and not apologised, Wooyoung didn't even know him. Wooyoung knew everyone!

He was probably more upset from the fact that he didn't know the man then the fact that the man knocked him over and left.

He began to scan his head for anyone he had seen with blonde hair. It wouldn't be that hard to find the man if he had blonde hair, would it?

Out of everyone in the school only about 10 had blonde hair, even less of them were not foreigners.

The hoodie design was imprinted in his mind. He kept thinking about those three blue lines, making sure he didn't forget any details of the man.

He snapped out of his daze when Yunho stood infront of him, making him look up at his friend with a confused expression.

"What's up with you?" he questioned, eyebrow lifting slightly.

" Yeah, you've been lost in thought after that guy pushed you over." Yeosang added.

All eyes were on Wooyoung as he stood there not sure whether to tell the truth or just lie. The silence around them was deafening and their stares pierced holes through his head.

"I'm fine i'm just hungry!" he lied, deciding to tell them when he was over the situation and could just laugh about it.

They all looked at him unsurely.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Seonghwa questioned one last time.

Wooyoung nodded his head quickly and put a large smile on his face, hoping they would go back to their conversations so he could investigate more.

"If you say so," Seonghwa shrugged, "So, who knocked you over?" he asked with a wide grin on his face.

"I don't know!" Wooyoung sulked.

"Well what does he look like, one of us HAS to have seen him before?" Yunho asked.

"I just know he was blonde and he was Korean." he huffed letting out a small whine at the end.

He looked between his friends to see if anyone would say that they knew the man, though no one looked as if they had a clue.

"Well i don't know him." Yeosang shrugged.

"Neither" Seonghwa added in.

Wooyoung gave a small but hopeful glance at Yunho. Praying that he could recognise the man.

His hopes were quickly crushed however when Yunho shook his head with a sympathetic look on his face.

"This school isn't that big, i'm sure you'll see him again!" Yunho said, giving his best hopeful smile.

Wooyoung nodded, still having a glum look on his face.

"Cheer up woo! We'll go to a restaurant then we can go karaoke to get your mind off of that guy!" Yeosang cheered with a big smile across his face.

A small smile appeared on Wooyoung face and they all let out a celebratory cheer.

They locked arms with each other and happily made their way to the restaurant together.

That night, Wooyoung spent his night singing and laughing with his best friends. He decided not to get hung up on some random guy he met in the halls.

Technically, they didn't even meet! They just bumped into each other.

Plus they wouldn't bump into eachother again anyways, it wasn't like they had common classes or anything. Right?

xo xo

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