Chapter 4 Come Have Fun

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I laughed at myself having fun.. "Well , I better take you all to Kaede's village! Where , would you like your hidden door or pathway?"
I will show you! Toga said.

I walked outside, Kaa lifted me on his shoulder. " Portal!" We , came out in front of Kaede's hut. Kagome , Kagome! An old woman called out .  Kaede! Thee have returned!

They shared a hug.. Where is our Moroha?  Oh , child she is off with her friends! " Are ,your knees hurting you?" Oh yes I am old!
" Aww let me help you! My granny , would have kicked my if I don't!"

" Healing!" A warm green light surrounded her ... I feel no discomfort! How did the?
Kagome explained everything.. Oh my ! Someone's very different!

" Would you like to try some beauty and meat fruits? I would like to establish trades between , our different worlds and villages!"
Getting the basket from my space ...

" The red ones are beauty fruits and the purple meat!" She took a bite of the beauty fruit... Ahh Kaede you look younger! A village woman said...

I summoned a hand mirror. Oh my youth is restored ! Kagome , was all smiles when she saw herself.
Can I try one? " Yes ma'am!" I have it to her. What ,would thee be interested in trading for?

" How about we establish a scheduled trade day in my lands and everyone can bring their goods , and ware to trade for meat , and beauty fruits or cooking flour! I will be creating things that might benefit others like aphrodisiac flowers , mana crystals , maybe do a beauty contest for ladies looking for a strong husband!  Fun games for children! Maybe do a tournament with a no killing rule!?"

What are mana crystals? " You eat them , and they can boost your magic ability by twenty percent!"
Oh my , a bit weaker than Shikon jewel but still a fine item! " Yes Lady Kaede , they are commonly used in other worlds by adventurers and mages!"

" Creation!" I gave her a mana stone.. I will inform the villagers and spread the word! " Great I will be visiting other places too ! So let's say in one month , on the crescent moon we can have a gathering!"

Aye! " So , where should I put the pathway?"  There! Toga pointed. "Okay then , I'll see you all later!"
I put the pathway behind the brushes next to the bone eater's well.

" Bye Toga! See you later!" Kaa carried me through to the fields at our place. " That's one gateway! Now , let's go to Camel Hump and talk to Harvey!" I went through my portal , and came out beside his hut.

Female you came back! " Oh yes! I had something to discuss with Harvey! Those fruits were good! "I'm glad you all enjoyed them!" He gave me a basket of fruits. " Are you courting me?"

Y yes female!  He suddenly backed up " Kaa don't ! " I didn't do anything! " Oh!" I turned around "Toga you followed me!" Hn! " Tag along then! Looking back " Would you be Kaa's brother? Is your mother Bai QingQing?"

Yes have you seen mother? " No but I'll tell you what! If you help me establish trades.. I will help you look for her!" His eyes went wide.. He nodded.. " Now your father Parker was cub of the leopard king! Do you have any idea , where they might have rebuilt the beast city?"

Yes but they aren't there! " I'm not positive , but I think your mother teleported to her world! She was Chinese and a quarter Russian so she probably is with her family! And , your father's who ascended past the tetra marks!"

" There he is! Hello Harvey!"  Harvey , don't leave us for that female she is evil! " Who said anything about him abandoning his healing practice? What do you mean evil Anan? You're too pretty to be , talking bad about me without know me!"

Anan stop! She will help us look for mother!  We can feel your bloodlust! " That is a natural thing for a demon!  And I know you are all leary of Kaa , but we are already mates so calm down!"

" Anan do you have mates?" Yes! Why? " On the next crescent moon I will be holding a trade day , a beauty pageant , and tournament if you want to participate! " Your just trying to take papa Harvey!
" Anan , Harvey adopted you all ! Bai never accepted him into her bed! She only liked his friendship and medicine! So you all should all , come have fun and meet beasts from other worlds!"

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