Chapter 9 What Crawled Up Her Butt?

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The kings looked around... Female what is through there? "My house!"
" Why , don't I demonstrate in the arena?" I , flew over into the arena standing in the center.

" Unlimited martial arts" I began to move fast so fast the could hardly see " Shabang fist" I yelled causing the ground to shake. " Tempest Blast" the clouds gathered in a swirling angry ball I aimed over there arena .

It created a LONG trench. " Imagine that hitting a target!" I walked outside to see.. Bai , is already asking Harvey about her cubs.
Can we spar?  Towa she pregnant! Ren reminded. " After I birth the eggs , and I rest for a while we can!"

Eggs? " Oh yes Kaa will have to incubate and hatch them ! Since I'm not a snake!" I , went over to Harvey taking his hand.

What are you doing to Harvey? " Bai we are mates! I , should give him attention too!" What? She hung her head. " Would you please talk to Kaa? I know he's strong ! But , he still has feelings even if he hides them!"

You took me from my babies! " You have children here!  They are grown! Maybe you should think about how , your treating them the way you felt before! I guess if you don't care! I , should just send you back and leave you stuck!"

Yes send us back! " Who said us? I said you! Anan will be so disappointed! She called me a liar when I told her , you never accepted Harvey as a male only as a friend! This is going to crush her! I promised your leopard cub to help him find you! Well , let's get this shit over with!"

" Portal!" She stood there with Parker, Curtis , and Winston looking at her a long few minutes.  " Aren't you running away from the truth? Or if you had been even a little thankful I accepted Kaa , or that I kept my promise...  I would have fixed things , so you could come and go from here! But now.. I , think you need to go back and stay there!"

She hit her knees crying.. Curtis hissed " You should be ashamed to talk about not caring  if you see Kaa , Anan , and your leopard cubs in front of Curtis , Parker , and Winston! Do you think I don't have anyone back home , I missed before I gained the ability to travel through portals or freeze time!"

" I do but I'm not unhappy or ungrateful! Get up and go back Bai!" No please don't make me leave them! "Them who? " I can't leave Curtis, Parker , and Winston!

" Oh yes you can! I'll take care of them! I'm sure Anan would dote her heart out on , Winston being back!" I took a few deep breaths " Toga your an experienced general! What do you think? Should , I give her a chance to stay for Kaa?"

He came to my side .. If she cries one tear , because you wouldn't try to be happy ... I , will personally kill all three of them! " Or I will just take their mate mark and ,they can be free to court anybody who appreciates them!"

Now that is mean Jessica!
" It's a means to an end Kagome! Ya know whatever works , so Toga doesn't have to kill them!" Fair point! She sighed.

" So can we be friends? Get off your ass and go apologize in earnest to Kaa! And then we are going to Camel Hump and you better smile!" She , ran off up towards the house to see him.

"Seriously , what crawled up her ass besides dick?" I mumbled under my breath. Eh old man what are you up to? Inuyasha , asked pointing to his hand on my back.

Toga said nothing and , just continued rubbing my back. " So Curtis ,what do you think about that city lifestyle? It , can't be what comes naturally to you!" He hissed..
No but I do it for Bai! " Does , she take you to go hunt anywhere? Or , just make you all stay in your orc form!"

They sighed looking down.. " Just go behind the stand , and take your suits off!"  I created two hides and gave them to Winston and Parker. I knew Curtis wouldn't exactly be showing his man junk . " I don't have anything to be hunted yet ! I created some but , they need to multiply for a while! Why , don't you hunt when we get to Camel Hump?" Female how do we get back? I smiled.

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