Chapter 15 Laugh

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The next morning... I awoke with bad cramps curling up " Healing"  I sighed in relief. Feeling blood dripping down my legs I went to the creek and got in .

Using my soaps it felt so good. I rinsed the soap out creating pads , panties , a bra , shorts , and a T-shirt. As I was getting dressed a throat clears , getting myself a hairbrush I turned around.

" Good morning!"  Shouldn't you bathe inside? " Oh , I haven't made a bath inside yet!" A fuming blonde , is standing next to a blushing Goten. " My apologies! Where are my manners? I , am Jessica Goddess of Shambada!"

This is the grown Goten so.. I'm guessing she's his girlfriend. My friends dad came to visit! " Yes, Vegeta did! He was looking at my arena and stands! Will you be joining the tournament? It's all in good fun! I will have , a no killing rule! I am trying to develop my realm!"

You don't look like a goddess! The blonde said. " I , was feeling a bit nostalgic today! I used to be a writer! But the gods , saw how much I loved the stories from their realms.. I , was granted this realm and earned the title!"

Wow that is cool! Goten commented. Jessica! "Ren! This is Goten and his girlfriend??" Banny! " Banny" I need to speak with thee!
Looking at Goten " The , arena is down that pathway!" Thanks!

They went on ahead... " Ren , is something wrong?" That woman said Toga isn't your mate! And , I'm afraid he will kill her! " Okay .... Bad Girl.. take us to Camel Hump ASAP!"

She didn't a donut and we jumped in. She slid sideways right next to the scene. WOMAN , IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT YOU SAY! SHE IS MY LOVE! " Toga get in! I don't want bloodshed , over a difference and a cultural misunderstanding!"

No my bride , if she won't listen I will kill her! " Toga , let me handle her please!"  I ran and hugged him he laid it on. That , drop down weak in your knees kiss.

He stepped back.. Ugly female! You haven't mated him yet! I can still have him! " Yet? That's , because I had a miscarriage you selfish heifer! "

You bitch! " Go , ahead and call me a bitch! Scientifically a bitch is a female dog! Toga is a dog demon! NOT a beastman he lives by different rules! In the Feudal era , you would be shaking from fear he will kill you! You're lucky Ren , come to me !"

Hmph! Lies you aren't scared of him! " No , but I have power to fight back! Not that I want to fight him! If I were a normal female... I ,would think damn he's sexy! But , I hope I'm not his dinner!"

Haughty , and full of herself Eudora... ... SMACK.. " You slapped me ! "  Kill her!  " I got this Toga! I used unlimited martial arts , and sent all of them to lala land... Bap , Whap , Smack , Dun , Dun , Thud.
" Eudora! It's , your turn to taste my fist!"

GET AWAY FROM ME! She cried... I got myself a bamboo switch. Held her by the hair , and tanned her butt like Granny used too. I , dropped her face on her mans dick.

" Eudora , are you listening?" Sniffing snots.. Y.. Yes! " I don't like bullies! And I don't like females , that purposely put their mates lives in danger! I could heal your raw ass.

But , I think you should feel that for a few days! And remember I wasn't telling lies! Also , your man their might like getting a blow job! So , suck all their dicks and , have playtime after because I just saved their lives for you! They deserve some fun! Don't you think?"

She nodded fast " Don't bully anyone again , unless you are ready to pack a butt whipping!"
I turned  around  to  a blushing Goten , a freaking out Banny at a loss for  words.

Sesshomarou cracked an evil smirk. Ren blushed bright red .. " Come on! Did you like the show?" Toga started laughing then they all did. Bai QingQing  was so embarrassed when... Bai what's a blow job? Parker asked.

I created  myself  two big dick  shaped ones. " Parker, suck on this popsicle like this!"  I , licked it then sucked on it in a thrusting motion.
I , stopped for  a second looking  around the crowd. " Parker , you  just sucked your  first dick! Now , Bai gets fun time tonight!"  Parker jumped up ... Really? " You , better get busy cranking her motor kitty cat!" Goten looks at Banny.. That  looks fun! She , ran through that pathway like her life depends on it. I couldn't help  but laugh.

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