Chapter 16 See Ya Later!

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I stood there after we all laughed . A portal opened and I was wrapped in his arms... Melphina just told me sweetheart! Why didn't you tell me? " I just got upset about some things, I got sick , then Kaa , Jun , and Harvey got sick so I healed them and passed out from fever! I'm sorry I promise I won't let myself be upset like that again!"

I'm not mad! I'm just upset it happened! " Kelvin this is Goten ! He is a half Saiyan and a fighter like his ancestors!" Goten chuckled.
I created some salve " Eudora!" Y yes?? She covers her butt with her hands.

" Have your mates massage your sore ass with that! And , don't think about skipping hanky panky! I can ask the staff, if you treated those men right!" She nodded " I was genuine about you coming to the trade day ! I'm not against anyone making their family stronger! But you should listen , to the beasts when they say they aren't interested! And remember, to thank beast god he allows me here! I saved you today!"

Yes yes I will do that!  " Good! One more thing! Don't you think about , having them attack Harvey because of this! I won't be nice next time!" She took that medicine and went back with her men.

" Holding that butt! She deserved it!" Jessica who is this? " Ren , this is Kelvin Celsius the death god! And the , goddess of reincarnation Melphina is his first wife!" Kelvin smiled.

It is nice to meet you Ren! Jessica , I have someone to help with the beauty contest! " That's great! We will have to sort the ladies looking for men , from the ones who just want to win a prize!" He chuckled..

I will pass the message! Jessica , come for a walk with me!  We , walked down by the lake and sat.
Are you still hurting? " I had bad cramps this morning but I used my healing ability! I just didn't do it soon enough!"

Tears pricked my eyes.. Hey , I am not mad at you! We can try again soon! He kissed me and laid in the grass holding me. Two suns! That's why you're so hot! " Are ,you trying to make me laugh or flirting?"

I , meant it! My girl is so hot! And ... I want to make love soon! He whispers. Bai , came over to the lake with Curtis. She stood next to me " Bai you can sit with us!"

She did and Curtis came beside her.
Will , you keep bringing more men into your family? " I , will do what I need to to develop Shambada! I'm not being unfair!" I want Kaa , and Jun to have time with you too!

" Bai I do give them all attention and purpose! Kelvin hasn't seen me for three days!" Then why was Jun crying? " When ? They , were all gone before I woke up today! I , will talk with him and sort it out! Kelvin , do you mind staying tonight?"

No I will of course! " Okay I'll go talk with Jun!" I got up and walked around seeing Kaa " Where , is Jun? I need to talk to you both!" He is back at our house! " Come on let's go talk!" So getting back to the house.

" Jun ! Jun!"   He was sitting on the couch. " Jun what are you upset about? I , didn't see any of you when I woke up!" It's my fault you lost the cubs! " Jun , NO IT IS NOT! I'm not mad at you! I don't blame you! Why would I blame you ?"

I sat in his lap and snuggled his chest as he hugged me. " I was upset about several things but none of them were your fault! I thought Harvey cheated with your mother! But , my staff showed me what really happened! I was wrong not to listen to him!"

" Kaa , come here!" He hugged me " I don't blame either of you!" We shared kisses and cuddles. " Now , let's go see the others okay!"
Jun shifted into his beast form , and went through the pathway.

Back to Harvey's ... I , slid off Jun's back and kissed his beast form cheek. Hey Jessica! " Yeah Goten?"
Can you be my girlfriend too? He blushed.. "Sure you can court me or date me! How old are you though?"
Twenty! I nodded... I'll tell mom! He chuckled . See ya later Jessica! "Soon Goten!"

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