Chapter 7 They Are Alive

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" Yeah , I was just preparing for the trade day!" It looks incredible! "Thanks!" Inuyasha , came running down the pathway. He ran to look at the arena " What do you think? Is it big enough?" 

He grinned and fired off the tetsaiga... It's durable I'll give you that! Inuyasha said seeing the burn  but no cracks. Then ,the screen popped up in front of my eyes.
Upgrade Promotion
New title - Goddess of Shambada
Item drop- Staff of Dragons Breath
It , can summon the dragons to do your bidding.
Tempest blast
freeze time
Show the near future or distant past.

New ability granted
Shabang fist
Unlimited martial arts ability.

" Wow my mana is over seven thousand!"  It really grew fast.
Toga and Sesshomarou are now sparring in the arena.
I created two mana power readers .
The contestants punch the bag and it gives a number by their names.
And then pairs them with an opponent on similar levels.

What is this thing? " Oh I'm Jessica!" I'm Moroha! " Let's test it out! You punch this one and I'll punch that one on three, two , one!"

BAM , SIZZLE , CRUNCH " I didn't hit it that hard! But , Moroha you did great! Look at your levels!" Kagome giggled. " Well I better repair my mess?" I laughed at myself. I did and made a few more.

" So , I need to go to Beast City and talk to the kings! Would , you all like to go?" Sure that sounds fun!
" Beastworld is different so if a male gives you a gift just accept it politely! You don't have to court him! And you men , don't accept gifts from females no matter how much they beg! In Beastworld , that's a sign you will join her household!"

Thanks for the heads up! Kagome said. " Oh and one other thing! Men there especially in Beast City... Will  walk around , commando to attract a mate so look out for eye candy ladies!" I am so NOT looking! I giggled " Noted Yowa! But it's kind of hard not to!"

Kaa ,  is that true? " Yes Sesshomarou , it is common practice!  " Don't worry! Women are  extremely spoiled there and not very nice! Men dote on women or females as they say there! Just for a chance to be loved!"

Most males never have a mate! Harvey added. We got some fruits and went through to Beast City. This place looks huge at the gate. Female what are you doing in Beast City?

" My mates and family are with me to look around! And , I would like to speak with the leopard king please!" He is a feral! " See his mate mark? He's not interested in other females! So you're all good!"

We will ask the kings! " Thank you!"
One , of the hawks landed shifting he , was speaking with the wolf behind the guards. Two beastmen came over with the guards. Scratch that " Hello Kings!"

Female , we understand you want to speak with us!  " Yes! I know this will shock you but here it goes! The gods recently gave me my own realm to develop and , I was granted the title Goddess of Shambada! Because , I loved stories about those within their worlds!"

" So , they want me to establish trades with other realms ! So , what I am arranging about is a trade day! with a beauty pageant , and a tournament on the next crescent moon in three weeks! I think since your Beast God , told me he was one of the many gods who summoned me I should give his beasts a chance right!"

Beastmen have excellent hearing and , I now have a bunch of eyes on us. Female how can you prove you aren't lying? " Space" I reached in pulling it out. " The gods left me this letter! But , also didn't the wolf king and Prince Shuu die of poison?"

Yes female! " Is his mate still alive?"
She is in the castle! " Okay step back!" I took a few deep breaths "Summoning " I focused hard on every detail of them. " Shuu , wolf king come back to your bodies!"

Talk about security! Towa commented.  I , opened my eyes and the light dissipated. " Now , we just wait for them to wake up!"
Harvey, put his ear over them listening.. They are alive!

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