Chapter 10 Back to Camel Hump

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The kings went back , and now we are at the house. Cub it's because of , what happened when you were younger! Mother I have a mate now! " Bai , he has a name now it's Kaa!" I sat on the straight chair... I can't leave your siblings! I can't protect them here!

" You left Harvey who , isn't your mate to raise your cubs! What happened? Did you lie , to your family that they were normal humans?" Shut up you!

" Bai I know your story! It must've been a big shocker when they teleported to you! You know that you were so scared , you never told them the truth! I get why you're scared but have you been honest with your family ? I mean some of them would say wow my cousins are so cool! Others might shun them but , at least you would know who could be counted on for help!"

" I'll get the cubs and keep them here! You straighten your attitude out as a mother! Or I'll back off , for the other Mothers to scald your spiteful ass!"  She jumped up to slap me but Curtis stopped her.

Curtis what are you doing? He slithers outside, about to burst in tears. Hey Jessica! " Yeah Setsuna?"
Good job scolding her! It was after that that I thought " Maybe , I was a little too harsh!"

So a few minutes later... I waved at everyone , and they followed through the pathway behind Harvey's hut. He ran around.. Female you came back! " Yeah , here's your big surprise!"

I moved to the side... Mother! He tackled her with a hug. Harvey ran to get the others. I sighed.. A few minutes later Harvey was coming with Anan , two leopard brothers and two other males.

Harvey , who are those ugly females? " The famous Eudora! Am I right?" Yes! Who , else would be this beautiful dimwit? " Harvey , sweetheart you got them!"

I ignored Eudora 's question.. she slapped Harvey " You better pump your brakes! He's my male!" Hmph who are you? " I am the  goddess of the Shambada realm! And while  Kagome ,  Ren , Moroha , Setsuna , and Towa aren't blood kin we are family! The males are all mated!"

There is no way you ugly thing are a goddess! " Staff show us the day Eudora , and Bai had the argument by the tree!" A , vision appears of the whole thing.

Eudora had most , pissed off embarrassed look. " Eudora my realm is holding a beauty contest , trade day , and tournament on the next crescent moon ! The rules will be different for the contest , and tournament but should be fun for everyone!"

Her haughty attitude revived.. Hmph I'll be there! "Great! Tell the other females!" They all went to sit in Harvey's hut . " Space" I , pulled out the guise mask and put it on.

" How do I look Bai? Mate marks , and all are in the right place!" Her eyes about bugged out. " Staff , show me her children in China!"

" I'll be back!" I said running through into the room. " Cubs wake up! We are going somewhere!" Mother!  The older tiger brother who only looks a little younger than Anan got three leopard cubs awake , and two other tiger boys or young men.

Mother you smell different! " Follow me , I have a big surprise!" I , opened the portal and went through with them. Mother what is this?

" Forgive me! I am your snake brothers mate! And goddess of Shambada! Bai is there with your siblings!" I took the guise mask off.
He blushed ,with a rising tent in his pants.

A throat clears... Jun! Mother! They went over to her. " This would be a great time , if you men want to hunt !" I will mate! Harvey kissed me. I will go too Jessica! " Okay Toga! But be careful because the male cubs , stay in Beast form for five years!"

They left to go hunt ,so I sat beside Anan. They talked and I listened to her tell them , all about how she tripped and ended up here. Kaa lifted me onto his coils.

Then , Moroha told them all about their adventures. Awhile later they both came back with meat. Harvey had several rabbits but they are big here. Toga had a lion. Before too long the smell of meat wafted through.

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