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Going shopping with my mother was the best decision

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Going shopping with my mother was the best decision. We enjoyed so much and talked about so many random things. It provides us both with mother-daughter quality time. Now that we are back home, I can't wait to see how dad and Shivansh will react when I give them the matching shirts I bought.

"Where is everyone?" mom asks as we enter

"Vansh must be in office. You should look for dad in your room." I reply and bolt off to the office.

The room to the office is open and I see dad and Shivansh talking. Their arguments seem to be heated as dad's face is red. My mood falls thinking they are fighting again because of me. I was about to interrupt their conversation when the next words make me freeze.

"I'll not tell her that we aren't her real parents. Never" Dad voices furiously.

The words knock out breath of my lungs and the bags fall down at my feet. My heartbeats are slowing down and a feeling so strange is taking control over me. They must have heard me as both of their eyes snapped to mine.

"You aren't my real parents" the words escape me in a whisper. Even saying those words is breaking me apart.

"Emory..." dad says but then stop.

"You are joking right. This...isn't true." I stammer but the expression tells me everything I need to know. This isn't a joke. This is my reality.

Betrayal. The feeling of deception leaves a bitter taste on my heart.

"My whole life was a lie" A hiccup chokes my throat and my legs give out on me. Before I can land on my ass, a set of strong arms hold me safely.

"Emory, breathe" It was only hearing his voice I realise I wasn't breathing. I try to inhale but no air is coming.

"Look at me. Breathe" I look into his eyes and manage to regulate my breathing. He keeps holding me against his body as my own body is shaking.

"There you are. I was looking for you all over the place" Mom chirps entering the room but her face turns serious when she sees something is going on.

"What's happening here" she asks

"She knows, Sherry" Dad croaks, his eyes showing defeat.

"No" Mom gasps, her hand covering her mouth. She takes a step toward me and I sink further behind Shivansh body. Mom eyes flashes with pain and her own tears falls.

"How could you do this to me?" A sob wedges in my throat, making it hard to breath.

"We were just protecting you carino." Dad answers

"Protecting me how? By hiding the truth about my existence from me. God, I feel so foolish right now." The tears are coming down in full force.

"We can't tell you the truth. It was dangerous for you. I already almost lost you that time. I wasn't going to risk it again" Dad's words are laced with pain.

MY SALVATION (MINE SERIES #3)Where stories live. Discover now