Story Information

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Hey lovely leaders, It's LeaderGirl 76 here, and this is a little Information of the Story before getting into it.

This story is gonna be based on the true story of Space Riders by OnyxOnline on Tumblr and on X.

There are also gonna be a little bit of Special chapters in the story that I might add.

I also added a little Inspiration of A classic to reboot Anime series "Sailor Moon" since my version of the reader has discovered a very magical brooch that will later happen in the story.

Oh Yeah! I almost forgot something.

The reader is also a little bit of a shy/nervous critter.

I'll come up with the reader's brooch design in mean time.

hope you guys enjoy the story.

Galaxy Love / DogDay x Fem! Reader (Smiling Critters Space Rider AU)Where stories live. Discover now