Prologue - Meeting the Crew

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(2nd Person POV)

You got back from the food shop and you were already exhausted, you did make a stop at Kissy's Diner for a little break from walking around the food shops. After you put all of your groceries away, you laid yourself on the apartment couch, sighing. "At least something's never changed." You said.

then your communicator ringing startled you. "H-Huh? Who could it be?" You asked yourself. You then walked to your communicator and answered it. The screen then opened to be Poppy. "Hi (Y/n)." She greeted you. 

"O-Oh! H-Hi Poppy." You said. "Did you communicate with me for something?" You asked her. "Actually, I did. You've been recruited to the critters crew!" Poppy announced. 


You have been recruited into the famous space crew all of the Galaxy?!

"You're joking right, Poppy?" You asked, completely shocked. "Nope! Not joking! I've just called the team for an assignment. You better start packing, the best is not to keep your teammates waiting." Poppy said.

"R-Right! I'll be right there, Poppy." You said. "Alright. I'll wait for you. see you there." Poppy said, and ended the call. You then started to pack a few things before leaving your apartment.

*At the Ship stock*

"Poppy!" You said, walking towards her. "(Y/n)! Just in time." Poppy said. You then saw a Female red bear waiting for you. "Hi! I'm Bobby Bearhug. I'm guessing you're the new recruit, (Y/n), right?" Bobby asked as she over to you.

"Y-Yes, I am." You answered, feeling shyness filled your body. "Oh goodie! Let me give you a tour after we leave H.Q." Bobby said, as she led you to the ship. "Be back soon!" Poppy called, waving Goodbye.

*10 minutes later*

"And that's all for the tour of our amazing spaceship." Bobby said, finishing touring you around. "Thanks Bobby." You Thanked her. "So you're the crew mate?" The two girls turned to see a male Orange dog.

"O-Oh! Y-Yes I-I am." You said, feeling something hot on your cheeks. "Well, I'm glad I got a chance to meet you. My name is Dogday. I'm the Captain of the Critter crew." Dogday said, holding his hand to shake.

"I-I'm (Y/n)." You said, shaking Dogday's hand with yours. "Well (Y/n), this is gonna be a great start to the partnership between us." Dogday said. "I'm sure it will be." You said, still feeling a little red on you cheeks.

(End of Chapter)

Galaxy Love / DogDay x Fem! Reader (Smiling Critters Space Rider AU)Where stories live. Discover now